Bell App Lab

A simplified way of presenting alerts on iOS with Swift, inspired by AlertKit:
License: MIT
A collection of handy classes, extensions and global functions to handle being in the background on iOS using Swift.
License: MIT
Apple Music style bubble filters. Inspired by:
License: MIT
A wrapper around NSThread to mimic NSOperationQueues, but make them work with a single thread. The main purpose of this library is to create a familiar interface (based on NSOperations) to handle NSThreads. This is particularly handy when dealing with other non-thread-safe libraries that cannot be handled by dispatch queues or NSOperationQueues.
License: MIT
An Image Picker View Controller for iOS that supports multiple images, multiple presentation styles, storyboards and rotation. Inspired by:
License: MIT
Display notifications in your app using auto layout and Swift. Inspired by and
License: MIT
A collection of handy implementations to deal with Parse for iOS using Swift.
License: MIT
A simplified Swifty way of asking users for permissions on iOS, inpired by Cluster's Pre-Permissions:
License: MIT
A handy Swift extension that makes life easier when dealing with files on iOS / Mac OS X.
License: MIT
A small Swift library that adds convenience methods to UIKit classes so they handle loading remote data more easily.
License: MIT