AirRivet 0.6.2

AirRivet 0.6.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by doozMen, Leroy Jenkins, Jelle Vandebeeck.

AirRivet 0.6.2


For a quick start follow the instructions below. For more in depth information on why and how we build AirRivet, you are more then welcome on the wiki page.


AirRivet is a service layer build in Swift using generics.

The idea is that you have Air which is a class that performs the request for an Environment. To do this it needs a Type called Rivet that can be handled over the Air 🤔. So how do we make this Rivet Type?

AnyThing can be a Rivet if they are Rivetable. Rivetable is a combination of protocols that the Rivet (Type) has to conform to. The Rivet is Rivetable if:

  • Mitigatable: Receive requests to make anything that can go wrong less severe. AirRivet includes 2 Mitigator:

    1. MitigatorDefault prints any error that is thrown
    2. MitigatorNoPrinting does not print anyting. Handy for testing!
  • Parsable: You get Dictionaries that you use to set the variables.

  • EnvironmentConfigurable: We could get the data over the Air from a production or a development environment.

  • Mockable: There is also a special case where the environment can be mocked. Than your request are loaded from local files (dummy files)

  • UniqueAble: If your AnyThing is in a collection you can find your entity by complying to UniqueAble

  • Transformable: We need to be able to transform data to a Rivetable type. A default transformer is TransformJSON but you can provide your own. AirRivet include 3 transformers you could use:

    1. TransformJSON the default
    2. TransfromCoreData -> used to transform to core data object.
    3. TransformAndStore -> use to store a JSON file when fetching
    4. TransformAndStoreCoreData -> equal to 3 but for CoreData

If you do the above (there are default implementation provided in the example). Then you could use the code like below.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

  1. Create a generic class that complies to Environment, Mockable.
  2. Create a Model object that complies to protocol Rivetable.


1. Environment

class Environment <Rivet: EnvironmentConfigurable>: Environment, Mockable  {
    //You should use the contextPath as your API works. For this Environment we have "<base>/contextPath"
  var serverUrl = "http:// ...\(Rivet().contextPath())"
    var request: NSMutableURLRequest

    init() {
        request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: serverUrl)!)

    func shouldMock() -> Bool {
        return false

2. Rivetable

class Foo: Rivetable {
    // Implement protocols.
  // See GameScore class in Example project.

import AirRivet

do {
    try Air.retrieve({ (response : Foo) in
} catch {
    print("💣Error with request construction: \(error)💣")

3. Mitigatable

Use this to change the default error handling. Default handling is:

  1. Print the error
  2. throw the error back up
class Foo: Foo {
    // Implement protocols.
  // See GameScore class in Example project.

    class override func responseMitigator() -> protocol<ResponseMitigatable, Mitigator> {
        return MitigatorDefault()

    class override func requestMitigator() -> protocol<RequestMitigatable, Mitigator> {
        return MitigatorDefault()

If you want different error handling you can provide a different Mititagor instance. As an example we provide the MitigatorNoPrinting. Handy to use in Unit tests

class MockFoo: Foo {
    // Implement protocols.
  // See GameScore class in Example project.

    // Override to disable printing

    class override func responseMitigator() -> protocol<ResponseMitigatable, Mitigator> {
        return MitigatorNoPrinting()

    class override func requestMitigator() -> protocol<RequestMitigatable, Mitigator> {
        return MitigatorNoPrinting()


We use generics so you cannot directly use AirRivet in Objective-C. You can bypass this by writing a wrapper.

In our Example GameScoreController is the wrapper class.

// In build settings look at the Module Identifier.
// This is the one you should use to import swift files from the same target.

#import "AirRivet_Example-Swift.h"

GameScoreController * controller = [[GameScoreController alloc] init];
[controller retrieve:^(NSArray<Foo *> * _Nonnull response) {
    NSLog(@"%@", response);
} failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    NSLog(@"%@", error);

See “(project root)/Example”

Unit tests

AirRivet provides a way to mock data when writing unit tests.

Rivetable enum/ struct / class

Mock the enviroment you use with Air. This you can do in 2 steps

  1. using a MockEnvironment like below.
  2. Subclasses the rivetable instance
class MockEnvironment<Rivet: EnvironmentConfigurable>: ApplictionEnvironment <Rivet> {
    override class shouldMock () {
        return true
class MockFoo: Foo {
    override class func environment() -> protocol<Environment, Mockable> {
        return MockEnvironment<MockFoo>()

    override class func transform() -> TransformJSON {
        return TransformJSON()

Core Data entities

Writing unit tests with Core Data can be hard. With AirRivet you can write unit test for CoreData but it is still combursome. Do the stepps like above but make sure to provide the managedObjectContext for unit tests. See CoreDataUnitTests. Make sure you create a singleton for your CoreDataUnitTests instance.

class MockCoreDataEntity: CoreDataEntity {
    override class func environment() -> protocol<Environment, Mockable> {
        return MockEnvironment<MockCoreDataEntity>()

    override class func transform() -> TransformJSON {
        return TransformJSON()
    override class func managedObjectContext() -> NSManagedObjectContext?  {
        return coredataUnitTests.sharedInstance.managedObjectContext

Write unit tests

In the example project you can find examples writen with Nimbel for both CoreData and others.


  • iOS 8 or higher
  • Because we use generics you can only use this pod in Swift only files. You can mix and Match with Objective-C but not with generic classes. Types More info


AirRivet is available through CocoaPods and the Swift Package Manager.

To install it with CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AirRivet"


Don’t think to hard, try hard!

More info on the contribution guidelines wiki page.


AirRivet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.