Leroy Jenkins



AirRivet is a service layer build in Swift by using generics. The idea is that you have Air which is a class that performs the request for an Environment. To do this it needs a Type called Rivet that can be handeled over the Air 🤔. So how do we make this Rivet Type?

AnyThing can be a Rivet if they are Rivetable. Rivetable is a combination of protocols that the Rivet (Type) has to conform to. The Rivet is Rivetable if:

  • Mitigatable -> Receive requests to make anything that can go wrong less severe.
  • Parsable -> You get Dictionaries that you use to set the variables
  • EnvironmentConfigurable -> We could get the data over the Air from a production or a development environment
  • There is also a special case where the environment is Mockable then your request are loaded from local files (dummy files)
  • UniqueAble -> If your AnyThing is in a collection you can find your entitiy by complying to UniqueAble

If you do the above (there are default implementation provided in the example).

License: MIT

  • Swift


Delirium contains a set of UI components for reuse.

Here are the components we currently support: - Alerts - Custom animations - Pie Chart - Pin View

License: MIT

  • Swift


Duvel contains a set of functions and utlities that make it easier for you to use Core Data in Swift.

This pod will make it easier to: - Create a context - Insert, update and delete objects. - Perform fetch requests.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Faro is a service layer built in Swift by using generics. We focussed on: Service * Service written to use Swift without using the Objective-C runtime * Service cleanly encapsulates all the parameters to handle a network request in Call. * Easily write a 'MockService' to load JSON from a local drive

Automagically Parse * Use our Deserialization and Serialization operators to parse relations and properties

Protocols * Because we use Protocols you can use any type including CoreData's NSManagedObject 💪

Mocking * Use FaroService singleton if you want to switch between data from the server or a file. * Handy for unit tests 💪 * Handy if API is not yet available 🤓

License: MIT

  • Swift


Stella contains utlities methods that make it easier for you to code in Swift.

The features that are currently added are: - User defaults handling - Localization - Printing - Threading

License: MIT

  • Swift