Olivier Halligon



Simple way to track events in an iOS app with Automattic Tracks internal service

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


Dip is a Swift Dependency Injection Container. It provides reusable functionality for managing dependencies of your types and will help you to wire up different parts of your app.

License: MIT

  • Swift


EmailChecker helps to catch simple email domain typos. Its intended to be used as a hint when a user have to enter an email address.

give it an email string and it returns a suggestion if one found or the original string if not.

License: Unknown

  • C++


Gridicons is a tiny framework which generates Gridicon images at any resolution.

License: GPL-2.0

  • Swift


A Swift network request manager framework using reactive programming

License: Apache-2.0

  • Swift


No more crashes getting unexpected values from a NSDictionary.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Support for IDN (punycode) in NSURL

License: MIT

  • Objective C


UIActionSheet subclass that uses blocks to handle the code to execute after the user tapped a button.

No need to implement a delegate method anymore, and this makes it much more easier to manage especially when you use multiple ActionSheets in the same class.

This class also allows you to handle ActionSheets with a timeout (it simulates a tap on the button you specify after a given number of seconds)

License: MIT

  • Objective C


AlertView helper that uses blocks to handle its callback.

  • If your deployment target is eariler than iOS 8, this will use UIAlertView
  • If your deployment target is iOS 8 or above, this will use the new UIAlertController

License: MIT

  • Objective C


        This class allows you to use a `UILabel` with `NSAttributedStrings`, in order
  to display styled text with mixed style (mixed fonts, color, size, ...)

in a unique label. It also provides a NSAttributedString category with a lot of commodity methods to change its various style & fonts, and some easy to use parsers to build your complex NSAttributedStrings (containing various/mixed styles) very easily.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This pod contains categories on NSAttributedString to add a lot of very useful convenience methods to manipulate attributed strings.

The includes convenience methods to: * set attributes on a given range * get attributes at a given index

Convenience methods are available for a lot of common attributes, including: * Fonts * Text Foreground and Background Colors * Text Style (bold, italics, underline) * Links (URLs) * Baseline offset, subscript, superscript * Text alignment, linebreak mode, character spacing * Paragraph Style (text indent, linespacing, …) * etc.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This class allows you to automate the internationalisation (i18n) of your interface (XIB files) without any additional code in your application.

No more using multiple XIBs for various locales or having outlets just to translate the text of a label!

Simply use the keys of your Localizable.strings in the text of any element in your XIB (title of an UIButton, text of a UILabel, …), and it will be automatically translated on the fly at runtime! No code needed!

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A class to stub network requests easily:

  • Test your apps with fake network data (stubbed from file)
  • You can also customize your response headers and status code
  • Use customized stubs depending on the requests
  • Use custom response time to simulate slow network.
  • This works with any request (HTTP, HTTPS, or any protocol) sent using the iOS URL Loading System (NSURLConnection, NSURLSession, AFNetworking, …)
  • This is really useful in unit testing, when you need to test network features but don't want to hit the real network and fake some response data instead.
  • Has useful convenience methods to stub JSON content or fixture from a file
  • Compatible with Swift


  • Objective C


OHPDFImage will open PDF files and make it easy to access each page of the PDF as a vector image, then render it as an UIImage of any size.

This will allow you to use PDF files as vector images in your applications, and ensure smooth resizing at any size.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Reusable is a Swift Mixin to easily deal with your reusable UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell classes.

Simply mark your UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell sublcasses as conforming to either Reusable or NibReusable and you'll be able to manipulate them way easier, and without worrying with String-type reuseIdentifiers ever again, and instead use them in a type-safe manner!

Reusable also support marking any arbitrary UIView subclass as NibLoadable so that you can then call loadFromNib() on the custom view class easily without adding any code.

For more info, see my blog post about this technique.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.

License: BSD-2-Clause

  • Swift


This pod contains some additional nodes and filters for Stencil. These additional nodes & filters are mainly dedicated for writing Stencil templates generating Swift code.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A collection of Swift tools to generate Swift code constants (enums or static lets) for: * asset catalogs, * colors, * fonts * localized strings, * storyboards, * … and more

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This pod contains asset parsers for SwiftGen, as well as methods for converting the data into contexts for Stencil.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Category to add some resizing methods to the UIImage class, to resize it to a given CGRect — or fit in a CGRect keeping aspect ratio.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


TBD. This will be modified as soon as we can publish more info. TBD. This will be modified as soon as we can publish more info. TBD. This will be modified as soon as we can publish more info. TBD. This will be modified as soon as we can publish more info.

License: MPL-2.0

  • Swift


Reusable component for displaying the WordPress.com post editor in an iOS application

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


Library for handling WPiOS Ratings

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


A simple Objective-C client to publish posts on the WordPress platform

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


Library for handling Analytics tracking in WPiOS

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


Reusable component for displaying WordPress.com site stats in an iOS application

  • Requires an OAuth2 bearer token for WordPress.com generated currently by WordPress-Mobile/WordPress-iOS

License: MIT

  • Objective C


WPMediaPicker is an iOS controller that allows capture and picking of media assets. It allows: * Multiple selection of media. * Capture of new media while selecting

License: GPL-2.0

  • Objective C


Lightweight XML-RPC library.


  • Objective C