Activity is a UIView subclass that creates a customizable loading activity indicator like control. * Mimics Apple loading indicator from App Store & Music
License: MIT
AssetPicker is a UIViewController subclass that provides an alternative solution to standard UIImagePickerController. Highlights are :-
* Have both modes within single screen (Use Library or Use Camera).
* Select Multiple Assets (Photos / Videos).
* Browse all the albums within one screen.
* Filters :- Photos(Default), Videos, All
* Supports Portrait & Landscape Modes. (Autorotation supported (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown))
* Uses Blocks for completion & cancel (Maintains integrity of code)
* Provides original ALAsset in returned response. (Better use it's properties)
* Provides ContentsURL for both Photos & Videos. (No UIImage directly, memory issues with multiple selection)
* Considers standard TabBarHeight and leaves space for that if set YES.
* Set Maximum Limits Independently on Photos, Videos, Assets.
License: MIT
ClearTextLabel is a UILabel subclass that creates a label with see-through text. ClearTextLabel draws the text provided to it with transparency.
* It uses CoreGraphics Context to draw the letters' CGPath.
* Letters' CGPath, how ? Well what's CoreText there for ?
License: MIT
RateView is a UIView subclass that creates a customizable rating view containing rating stars in it. It fills out the stars in percentage fill manner. It can be used for - * displaying a rating for an item canRate = NO OR * actually provide user a chance to rate any product or item canRate = YES.
License: MIT