BRLMPrinterKitLicense: MITJT3DScrollViewScrollView with custom effects during the scroll.License: MITSwiftJTBorderDotAnimationA simple animation with dots turning around a UIView for iOSLicense: MITObjective CJTCalendarA customizable calendar view for iOS.License: MITObjective CJTHamburgerButtonAn animated hamburger button for iOSLicense: MITObjective CJTHelperList of common helpers for iOS projects.License: MITObjective CJTImageLabelJTImageLabel keeps a UILabel and a UIImageView side by side.License: MITObjective CJTMaterialSpinnerAn iOS spinner view based on material design.License: MITSwiftJTMaterialTransitionAn iOS transition for controllers based on material design.License: MITSwiftJTNumberScrollAnimatedViewA scroll animation for display number for iOSLicense: MITObjective CJTScrollViewControllerCreate ScrollViewController pragmatically using Auto Layout.License: MITObjective CJTSlideShadowAnimationA shadow animation effect for iOS.License: MITObjective CJTTableViewControllerA ViewController with a tableView which manage pagination and loaders for iOS.License: MITSwiftJTTranslatorRemotely manage your translations on iOSLicense: MITSwiftWeProovSDKLicense: Unknown