Resume in-app web browsing in the default web-browser of the continuing platform adopting handoff.
License: MIT
Subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time.
License: MIT
License: MIT
CIDetector and AVCaptureOutput categories. With face, rectangle, QR Code, text detectors and blocks.
License: MIT
ARHomeScreenShortcuts installs home screen shortcuts to features of your app like OneTap or Facebook Groups.
License: MIT
Can present a JSON NSString, JSON NSData, JSON URL, XML NSData, XML URL, RSS NSData, RSS URL, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSSet, EXIF Metadata...
License: MIT
ARSpeechActivity is a UIActivity subclass that uses AVSpeechUtterance to read aloud the shared NSString.
License: MIT
A UIActivity subclass that share files via GCDWebServer with Twitter Bootstrap UI.
License: MIT
Coordinate the output of content associated with your HomeKit lightbulbs. #Ambilight
License: MIT
Foursquare search controller with suggest completion like Instagram.
License: MIT
CLBeaconRegion subclass that can range beacons with any proximity UDID
License: MIT
CLLocationManager Swift 4 wrapper with multiple closure handlers and delegates allowed, notifications, sequential geofencing, self-authorization and, of course, everything is testable. #InCodeWeTrust
License: MIT
The PFLinkedInUtils class provides utility functions for working with LinkedIn in a Parse application.
This class is currently for iOS only.
License: MIT
UIUserNotificationSettings-Extension provides helper methods that will make you much easier to handle #Interactive #Notifications.
License: MIT