Dan Loewenherz

A modern, fast, and flexible Objective-C library for Pinboard.in.
License: Apache 2
Fully customizable circular progress bar written in Swift
License: Apache 2
Automatically resizes and adjust views to scroll when a keyboard appears.
License: Apache-2.0
A collection of helpful categories for use in iOS projects.
License: Apache 2
An easy way to let users select fonts in iOS.
License: Apache 2
An easy-to-use utility that will automatically resize views whenever a keyboard appears
License: Apache 2
Register any UITableViewCellStyle to your table view without subclassing UITableViewCell on your own.
License: Apache 2
A collection of helpful categories for use in iOS projects.
License: Apache 2
A simple class that helps manage interaction with remote APIs using Alamofire.
License: Apache-2.0
LionheartCurrencyTextField is a drop-in replacement for UITextField that displays currency values the way you'd expect it to. It's based on the user's current locale, so in the US, typing "12345.12" will output "$12,345.12".
See the GitHub project for more details.
License: Apache 2
A table view controller used to showcase your other apps.
License: Apache-2.0
Register table view cells with default styles without needing to subclass them.
License: Apache 2
QuickTableView provides two helper classes, SimpleTableViewController and BaseTableViewController, that drastically simplify table view creation in Swift.
License: Apache-2.0
TableViewPopoverPresenting is a simple, drop-in protocol that gives your
table views the power to display presented view controllers in popovers
in reaction to a cell tap. It overrides the standard table view tap handler
only for the cells which you define it for, and everything else falls back
to your existing didSelectRowAtIndexPath
License: Apache 2