STWPageViewController 0.1.5

STWPageViewController 0.1.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Raffaele Cerullo.


STWPageViewController allow to create a controllers container (UIPageViewController) quickly and easily, it is managed by a customizable toolbar. STWPageViewController can be loaded either alone or in a UINavigationController, the toolbar will automatically adapt to display needs.

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pod 'STWPageViewController'


Direct Init with pages as simple Controller:

Setting sub controllers’ title, will be created the items automatically

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    let firstController = UIViewController()
    let secondController = UIViewController()

    firstController.title = "First"
    firstController.view.backgroundColor = .orange
    secondController.title = "Second"
    secondController.view.backgroundColor = .blue
    let pages = [firstController, secondController]
    let pageViewController = STWPageViewController(pages: pages)

    self.window?.rootViewController = pageViewController


Add pages after init as rootController of UINavigationController:

You can customize Tool Bar Item setting STWPageViewControllerToolBarItem' title, Colors or Icon

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    let firstController = UIViewController()
    let secondController = UIViewController()

    firstController.pageViewControllerToolBarItem = STWPageViewControllerToolBarItem(title: "First", normalColor: .orange, selectedColor: .red)
    firstController.view.backgroundColor = .orange
    secondController.pageViewControllerToolBarItem = STWPageViewControllerToolBarItem(image: UIImage(named :"iconDefault"), selectedImage: UIImage(named :"iconSelected"))
    secondController.view.backgroundColor = .blue
    let pageViewController = STWPageViewController()
    let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: pageViewController)
    let pages = [firstController, secondController]
    pageViewController.setPages(pages: pages) 

    self.window?.rootViewController = navigationController



STWPageViewController has two methods in order to know which is the controller will be presented and which is the controller did be presented and their index in pages

class ViewController: STWPageViewController, STWPageViewControllerDelegate {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.delegate = self
    func pageControllerDidPresentPage(viewController:UIViewController, pageIndex:Int) {
        print("DidPresent: \(viewController) page:\(pageIndex)")
    func pageControllerWillPresentPage(viewController:UIViewController, pageIndex:Int) {
        print("WillPresent: \(viewController) page:\(pageIndex)")


You can customize many aspects of STWPageViewController for all your needs

STWPageViewController setting properties:

  • startPage Start index controller
    Define startPage from init

    let pageViewController = STWPageViewController(pages: pages, startPage:1)
    // default: 0
  • toolBarHeight ToolBar height.
    Automatic adjust for UIApplication status bar status

    var toolBarHeight: CGFloat { get set }
    // default: 44 + (status bar height if needs)
  • isPageControllerScrollingEnabled Enable horizontal scrolling page.

    var isPageControllerScrollingEnabled: Bool { get set }
    // default: true

STWPageViewControllerToolBar setting properties:

  • indicatorBarPadding Offset indicator bar.

    var indicatorBarPadding: CGFloat { get set }
    // default: 0
  • indicatorBarHeight Indicator bar height.

    var indicatorBarHeight: CGFloat { get set }
    // default: 4
  • indicatorBarTintColor Indicator bar color.

    var indicatorBarTintColor: UIColor { get set }
    // default: .black

STWPageViewController getting properties:

  • currentIndexPage Current visible controller index.

    var currentIndexPage: Int { get }
  • visibleViewController Current visible controller.

    var visibleViewController: UIViewController? { get }

STWPageViewController public methods:

  • setPages(pages:[UIViewController], startPage:Int? = 0) Specifies or Updates what is the view controllers stack and what is the first page index to present

    func setPages(pages:[UIViewController], startPage:Int? = 0)
  • scrollToPage(_ indexPage:Int?, animated:Bool) Scrolls STWPageViewController at specific index.

    func scrollToPage(_ indexPage:Int?, animated:Bool)


This pod requires a deployment target of iOS 9.0 or greater


@Steewitter, [email protected]


STWPageViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.