Raffaele Cerullo



STWCollectionView is an UICollectionView sublcass easy to create and manage for a collection with carousel effect and is very simple to customize. You can set how many columns are visible simultaneously or give a fixed size to cells, and the collection will set automatically the columns. You can set the space between the cells and the vertical and horizontal padding than you can see a bit of the adjacent cells. Further, STWCollectionView has a delegate to better manage cells during the scrolling phase such as: the cell's currently visible indexPaths and their percentage of positioning based on the center.

License: MIT

  • Swift


STWPageViewController allow to create a controllers container (UIPageViewController) quickly and easily, it is managed by a customizable toolbar. STWPageViewController can be loaded either alone or in a UINavigationController, the toolbar will automatically adapt to display needs.

License: MIT

  • Swift