EmailChecker 0.1

EmailChecker 0.1

LangLanguage C++C++
License Unknown
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2018

Maintained by Olivier Halligon, Giovanni Lodi, Lorenzo Mattei, Jeremy Massel, Yael Rubinstein, Automattic Mobile.

  • By
  • Maxime Biais

Email Checker for Android and iOS


This library helps to catch simple email domain typos. Its intended to be used as a hint when a user have to enter an email address.

The library is written in C++ and is inspired by the algorithm described here: (Warning, it's not the exact same algo).

How to use it in an Android project

Currently gradle doesn't support NDK, so we used a trick to make it work: it generates a temporary .jar file containing .so, this file is used as a jar dependency for the final .aar file.

If you want to use it in your Android project, your can add it as a library in your build.gradle file, for instance:

dependencies {
    compile 'org.wordpress:emailchecker:0.1'

Sample usage:

String emailToCheck = "[email protected]";
String suggest = (new EmailChecker()).suggestDomainCorrection(email);
if (suggest.compareTo(email) != 0) {
    Log.v("FIXME", "did you mean: " + suggest + " ?");

How to use it in an iOS project

If you use CocoaPods, you just have to add the following pod to your dependency list:

pod 'EmailChecker', :podspec => ''

Sample usage:

NSString *emailToCheck = @"[email protected]";
NSString *suggestedEmail = [EmailChecker suggestDomainCorrection: @"[email protected]"];
if (![suggestedEmail isEqualToString:emailToCheck]) {
    NSLog(@"Did you mean: %@", suggestedEmail);

Directory structure

|-- common                  # common native code
|-- android
|   |-- jni                 # android specific native code
|   `-- src                 # android specific java code
`-- ios
    |-- EmailChecker        # ios specific code
    `-- EmailCheckerTests   # tests

Apps that use this library

WordPress for Android

Screenshot from WordPress Android

WordPress for iOS

Screenshot from WordPress Android


This library is dual licensed unded MIT and GPL v2.