DopamineKit 5.3.1

DopamineKit 5.3.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2018
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Dopamine.


Build Status

What is DopamineKit?

DopamineKit provides wrappers for accessing the DopamineAPI and expressive UI reinforcements for your app.

Learn more at

Looking for an iOS Example App?

A simple "To Do List" iOS App is included in the DopamineKit-iOS-HelloWorld repo to demonstrate how DopamineKit may be used in your code.

Set up DopamineKit

  1. First make sure you have a DopamineProperties.plist file, which includes your API key and other credentials.

  2. Go to your project's App Target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources, and then drag and drop in DopamineProperties.plist with the "Copy items if needed" box checked.

  3. Add the following line to your CocoaPod Podfile

pod 'DopamineKit'

Workspace snapshot
By step 3 your project should have the highlighted items shown in the image above

  1. Import DopamineKit into your code
// Swift
import DopamineKit
// Objective-C
#import <DopamineKit/DopamineKit-Swift.h>
  1. Start using Dopamine! The main features of DopamineKit are the reinforce() and track() functions. These should be added as a response to any of the actions to be reinforced or tracked.
  • For example, when a user marks a task as completed in a "To Do List" app or finishes a workout in a "Fitness" app, you should call reinforce().
// Swift
DopamineKit.reinforce("some_action", completion: {
reinforcement in
  		// Use any rewarding UI components that fit your app's theme,
  		// for example showInspirationalQuote() or showFunnyMeme().

  	case "thumbsUp" :
  		// Show a thumbs up sticker!
  	case "stars" :
  		// Show stars falling in the background!
  		// Show nothing! This is called a neutral response, 
  		// and builds up the good feelings for the next surprise!

// Objective-C
[DopamineKit reinforce:@"some_action" metaData:nil completion:^(NSString* reinforcement){
      if([reinforcement isEqualToString:@"quote"]){
          // show a famous, positive quote
      } else if([reinforcement isEqualToString:@"meme"]){
          // show a dank meme
      } else{
          // Show nothing! This is called a neutral response, 
          // and builds up the good feelings for the next surprise!
  • The track() function is used to track other user actions. Using track() calls gives Dopamine a better understanding of user behavior, and will make your optimization and analytics better.
  • Continuing the example, you could use the track() function to record applicationDidBecomeActive() in the "To Do List" app, or record userCheckedDietHistory() in the "Fitness" app.

Let's track when a user adds a food item in a "Fitness" app. We will also add the calories for the item in the metaData field to gather richer information about user engagement in my app.

// Swift
let calories:Int = 400
DopamineKit.track("foodItemAdded", metaData: ["cals":calories])
// Objective-C
NSNumber* calories = [NSNumber numberWithInt:400];
[DopamineKit track:@"foodItemAdded" metaData:@{@"cals":calories} completion:^(NSString* s){}];

Super Users

There are additional parameters for the track() and reinforce() functions that are used to gather rich information from your app and better create a user story of better engagement.


####Tracking Calls

A tracking call should be used to record and communicate to DopamineAPI that a particular action has been performed by the user, each of these calls will be used to improve the reinforcement model used for the particular user. The tracking call itself is asynchronous and non-blocking, and returns a status code (200 for success, other for errors) which can be ignored for the most part. Failed tracking calls will not return errors, but will be noted in the NSLog.

######General syntax

Dopamine.track(actionID, metaData)


  • actionID: String - is a unique name for the action that the user has performed

  • metaData: [String:AnyObject] - (optional) is any additional data to be sent to the API


####Reinforcement Calls

A reinforcement call should be used when the user has performed a particular action that you wish to become a 'habit', the reinforcement call will return the name of the feedback function that should be called to inform, delight or congratulate the user. The names of the reinforcement functions, the feedback functions and their respective pairings must be configured by contacting us.

######General syntax

Dopamine.reinforce(actionID, metaData, completion)


  • actionID: String - is a unique name for the action that the user has performed

  • metaData: [String:AnyObject] - (optional) is any additional data to be sent to the API

  • completion: String -> () - is a closure which receives a the reinforcement decisions as a String

The reinforcement call itself takes the actionID as a required parameter, as well as a trailing closure, which serves as a completion function for the reinforcement response. This closure receives the name of the feedback function as an String input argument.

For more information on using closures, see Apple's documentation.


DopamineProperties.plist must be contained within your app's main bundle by default, or the location can be configured by setting DopamineAPI.testCredentialPath. This property list contains configuration variables needed to make valid calls to the API:

  • appID: String - uniquely identifies your app

  • versionID: String - this is a unique identifier that you choose that marks this implementation as unique in our system. This could be something like 'summer2015Implementation' or 'ClinicalTrial4'. Your versionID is what we use to keep track of what users are exposed to what reinforcement and how to best optimize that.

  • inProduction: Bool - indicates whether app is in production or development mode, when you're happy with how you're integrating Dopamine and ready to launch set this argument to true. This will activate optimized reinforcement and start your billing cycle. While set to false your app will receive dummy reinforcement, new users will not be registered with our system, and no billing occurs.

  • productionSecret: String - secret key for production

  • developmentSecret: String - secret key for development