


BasalGifglia is the easiest way to give your users a 💥 of Dopamine.

The Dopamine API improves your app's engagement, retention, and revenue using optimized reinforcement. If you want the boost Dopamine will give you, but don't want to design your own reinforcement, use BasalGifglia. It releases the perfect GIF at the best targeted moment, optimized to each user to keep them hooked in your app.

License: MIT

  • Swift


CandyBar is an alternative notification view. A CandyBar includes an easily customizable icon image, and title and subtitle text. There are 11 Candy Icons provided within the framework, but you could also use a custom own image.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Make your iOS app habit-forming using the DopamineAPI.

This packages provides a framework for interacting with the DopamineAPI from a Cocoa based iOS application. After you have received your API key and configured the actions and reinforcements relevant to your app on the Dopamine Developer Dashboard, you may use this framework to place 'tracking', and 'reinforcement' calls from inside your app that will communicate directly with the DopamineAPI.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT