CandyBar 1.1.0

CandyBar 1.1.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Dopamine.

CandyBar 1.1.0


Simple notification framework that displays an Icon, Title, and Subtitle.

What is CandyBar?

CandyBar is an alternative notification view. A CandyBar includes an easily customizable icon and text. There are 11 Candy Icons provided within the framework, but you could also use your own image.

Looking for an iOS Example App?

There is an example app included within this repo.

Set up CandyBar

  1. In your Podfile, include the CandyBar like below

    target 'SomeonesApp' do
        pod 'CandyBar'

  2. Start using CandyBars! Below are examples of how to use functions provided by the framework.

Creating a CandyBar
  // Swift
  let candyBar = CandyBar(title: "You can even use emojis 💯",
                            icon: CandyIcon.Stars,
                            position: .Bottom,
                            backgroundColor: UIColor.purpleColor()

  let customCandyBar = CandyBar(title: "Use a custom image!",
                                image: UIImage(named: "YourImage"),
                                backgroundColor: CandyBar.hexStringToUIColor("#4286f4"),
                                didDismissBlock: { NSLog("The user dismissed the CandyBar")}
  // Objective-C
  CandyBar* candyBar = [[CandyBar alloc] initWithTitle: @"Whayda go!"
                                              subtitle: nil
                                              position: CandyBarPositionTop
                                                  icon: CandyIconStars
                                       backgroundColor: [CandyBar hexStringToUIColor:@"#E3DE4D"]
                                       didDismissBlock: nil ];
Displaying a CandyBar
  // Swift                    // display for 3.2                 // dismiss on tap, or 
  // customCandyBar.dismiss()           // programmatically dismiss it using bar.dismiss()seconds
  // Objective-C
  [customCandyBar show];
  // [customCandyBar dismiss];

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