yoti-sdk 4.0.1

yoti-sdk 4.0.1

Maintained by John Mills, yoti-sdk’ --description=marios.kotsiandris’, Yoti iOS Team.

yoti-sdk 4.0.1

Carthage compatible Cocoapods compatible Platform


The mobile SDK purpose is to provide 3rd party applications the ability to request attributes from a Yoti user while leveraging the Yoti mobile App. It is an interaction between a 3rd Party app and Yoti app facilitated by a very lightweight SDKs. This repo contains the tools and step by step instructions so that your users can share their identity details with your application in a secure and trusted way.


  • You will need to have the Yoti app on your phone
  • You will need to ensure the minimum version of the deployment target is 9.0 or above.
  • You will need Xcode 10.2 or above

Installing the SDK

There are three sections to complete installing the mobile SDK:

  1. First please follow our Yoti dashboard process. You will need to create an organisation here. After organisation creation you will need to create a Yoti application. If you are testing or using yoti for personal use please go straight to creating an application here.

    The application process will generate keys for you. Please keep your sdk id and scenario id safe for the mobile integration.

    For more information please follow our developer page instructions located here.

  2. Installing the web SDK. Please browse through our github page and initialise the web sdk in your web backend.

    For more information please follow our developer page instructions located here.

  3. Installing the Mobile SDK. This can be done using one of the three methods below:

    • Carthage - desired preference
    • Cocoapods
    • Drag and drop

Carthage (recommended)

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Yoti into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "getyoti/ios-sdk-button" ~> 2.4.0

This will allow you to type carthage update ios-sdk-button in your Terminal to fetch and build the latest version of the framework. The first time you are integrating the iOS SDK, the dynamic framework will be generated at Carthage/Build/iOS/.

Drag the built YotiButtonSDK.framework into your Xcode project without copying it. Don't commit the Carthage folder but do commit the Carthage.resolved file.

Each time you want to fetch the dependency, you can type carthage bootstrap.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects.

Using the default Ruby install can require you to use sudo when installing gems. Further installation instructions are in the guides.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

To integrate Yoti into your Xcode project using Cocoapods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'yoti-sdk', '~> 2.4.0'

Tip: CocoaPods provides a pod init command to create a Podfile with smart defaults. You should use it.

Now you can install the dependencies in your project:

$ pod install

Make sure to always open the Xcode workspace instead of the project file when building your project.

Drag & Drop (not recommended)

You can also add the Yoti SDK by adding the project via a submodule and dragging the Yoti's project file into yours.


Before we start the configuration you have to add Yoti SDK as a build phase: Go to your project, and go to the Build Phases tab, press the + on the top left, select New Copy Files Phase and change the Destination to Frameworks.

Click the + on the new Phase and select YotiButtonSDK.framework and click add.

Navigate to where you want to integrate the Yoti button, add a button and change class to YotiButton.

Class: YotiButton

Module: YotiButtonSDK

Add a User defined runtime attributes: useCaseID of type String with a value which will allow you to identify the button.

Yoti Button

The SDK provide a custom Button you can use in your layout, do not forget to set the useCaseID, it's the link with the Scenario. See definitions lower. Or you can also define the button in the code like this:


import YotiButtonSDK

let button = YotiButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 230, height: 48))
button.useCaseID = "YOUR_USE_CASE_ID"

In case you used Cocoapods please use the following:

import yoti_sdk

let button = YotiButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 230, height: 48))
button.useCaseID = "YOUR_USE_CASE_ID"


#import <YotiButtonSDK/YotiButtonSDK.h>                                                                                                           
YotiButton* button = [[YotiButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 230, 48)]
button.useCaseID = "YOUR_USE_CASE_ID"

The front end of the integration is now complete.

Create a Scenario

You will now need your SDK ID, Scenario ID and call back URL ready from your application dashboard.

For each of the scenarios you want to handle, you would need to add them to the YotiSDK like below:

Swift: Please add the scenario method in your AppDelegate.swift in :

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool

like below.

import YotiButtonSDK

    do {
        guard let url = URL(string: "YOUR_CALLBACK_URL") else {
            return false
        //Here we need to add as many scenarios as we want. each scenario is linked to a button in the Main.storyboard.
        let firstScenario = try ScenarioBuilder().setUseCaseID("YOUR_FIRST_USE_CASE_ID")
        YotiSDK.add(scenario: firstScenario)
        let secondScenario = try ScenarioBuilder().setUseCaseID("YOUR_SECOND_USE_CASE_ID")
        YotiSDK.add(scenario: secondScenario)
    } catch {
        // handle error code here

Objective-C: Please add the scenarion method in your appDelegate.m in

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

like below

#import <YotiButtonSDK/YotiButtonSDK.h>

    NSError* error = nil;
    YTBScenarioBuilder *firstScenarioBuilder = [[YTBScenarioBuilder alloc] init];
    firstScenarioBuilder.useCaseID = @"YOUR_FIRST_USE_CASE_ID";
    firstScenarioBuilder.clientSDKID = @"YOUR_FIRST_CLIENT_SDK_ID";
    firstScenarioBuilder.scenarioID = @"YOUR_FIRST_SCENARIO_ID";
    firstScenarioBuilder.callbackBackendURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"YOUR_CALLBACK_URL"];
    YTBScenario *firstScenario = [firstScenarioBuilder create:&error];
    [YotiSDK addScenario: firstScenario];

    error = nil;
    YTBScenarioBuilder *secondScenarioBuilder = [[YTBScenarioBuilder alloc] init];
    secondScenarioBuilder.useCaseID = @"YOUR_SECOND_USE_CASE_ID";
    secondScenarioBuilder.clientSDKID = @"YOUR_SECOND_CLIENT_SDK_ID";
    secondScenarioBuilder.scenarioID = @"YOUR_SECOND_SCENARIO_ID";
    secondScenarioBuilder.callbackBackendURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"YOUR_CALLBACK_URL"];
    YTBScenario *secondScenario = [secondScenarioBuilder create:&error];
    [YotiSDK addScenario: secondScenario];

    return YES;

then in your viewController class inside your button IBAction function call the function :

public static func startScenario(for useCaseID: String, with delegate: YotiSDKDelegate) throws 

Next, go to the view controller containing the YotiButton outlet. On its IBAction, call the sdk method signature in swift or signature in objective-c.


@IBAction func yotiButtonDidTouchUpInside(_ sender: YotiButton) {
    guard let useCaseID = sender.useCaseID else {
    do {
        UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true
        try YotiSDK.startScenario(for: useCaseID, with: self)
    } catch {
        // Handle error here


- (IBAction)buttonDidTouchUpInside:(YotiButton*)sender {
    NSString* useCaseID = sender.useCaseID;
    NSError* error = nil;

    if (![useCaseID isEqual:@""]) {
        [YotiSDK startScenarioForUseCaseID:useCaseID withDelegate:self error:&error];

        if (error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"error : %@", error.description);

In Swift your ViewController class should comply to YotiSDKDelegate and to BackendDelegate in order to get the callbacks.

extension ViewController: YotiSDKDelegate {
    func yotiSDKDidFail(for useCaseID: String, with error: Error) {
    	// handle here the error related to the failing of retrieving a usecaseID and a token

    func yotiSDKDidSucceed(for useCaseID: String, baseURL: URL?, token: String?, url: URL?) {
        // Handle here the success of the opening of Yoti app for example by requesting a profile from the backend like below
        // Get the specific scenario by calling  
        let scenario = YotiSDK.scenario(for: useCaseID)
        // request the backend to get the profile linked to a specific scenario by passing the token returned and self as delegate for a call back
        YotiSDK.callbackBackend(scenario: scenario!, token: token!, with: self)

    func yotiSDKDidOpenYotiApp() {
        // Handle specific behaviour if needed when the Yoti App didOpen

In Objective-C, your viewController should comply to YTBSDKDelegate and YTBBackendDelegate like this:

@interface ViewController () <YTBSDKDelegate, YTBBackendDelegate>

BackendDelegate is its name in swift, YTBBackendDelegate namespace is for Objective-C Note that complying to YTBBackendDelegate is optional because you might or not rely on a backend to implement your scenarios. Our current implementation relies on a backend to implement our scenarios.

We implemented the delegate functions of the protocols our ViewController complies to like this:

- (void)yotiSDKDidFailFor:(NSString * _Nonnull)useCaseID with:(NSError * _Nonnull)error {
    // handle failure here

- (void)yotiSDKDidSucceedFor:(NSString * _Nonnull)useCaseID baseURL:(NSURL * _Nullable)baseURL token:(NSString * _Nullable)token url:(NSURL * _Nullable)url {
	YTBScenario *scenario = [YotiSDK scenarioforUseCaseID:useCaseID];
	[YotiSDK callbackBackendScenario:scenario token:token withDelegate:self];

- (void)yotiSDKDidOpenYotiApp {
	// behaviour when SDK opens yoti app (if needed)

when the callback returns from the backend we get the data linked to the profile or the error in


func backendDidFinish(with data: Data?, error: Error?)


- (void)backendDidFinishWith:(NSData * _Nullable)data error:(NSError * _Nullable)error


In case you need to change your interface before we are doing a network request, you can subscribe to the willMakeNetworkRequest and didFinishNetworkRequest notification from the YotiSDK class


NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: YotiSDK.willMakeNetworkRequest, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
    // Disable interface
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: YotiSDK.didFinishNetworkRequest, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
    // Re-enable interface


[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:YotiSDK.willMakeNetworkRequest object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull note) {
    // Disable interface
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:YotiSDK.didFinishNetworkRequest object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull note) {
    // Re-enable interface

Inter-app communication

Yoti SDK would perform an app switch to Yoti app and back to your app to complete the sharing process, your application's .plist also need to handle this.

Add your URL Scheme


Add Yoti as a query scheme


Notify your application lifecycle to Yoti SDK


import YotiButtonSDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                     open url: URL,
                     options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
        return YotiSDK.application(app, open:url, options:options)


#import <YotiButtonSDK/YotiButtonSDK.h>

@implementation AppDelegate
  - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app
              openURL:(NSURL *)url
              options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id> *)options {
      return [YotiSDK application:app open:url options:options];

Handling Users

The Web SDK will handle the user storage. When you retrieve the user profile, you receive a user ID generated by Yoti exclusively for your application. This means that if the same individual logs into another app, Yoti will assign her/him a different ID. You can use this ID to verify whether (for your application) the retrieved profile identifies a new or an existing user. Please see relevant github pages for more information.


For any questions or support please email [email protected]. Please provide the following to get you up and working as quickly as possible:

  • Software version on phone
  • Language of Web SDK
  • Screenshot of error

Once we have answered your question we may contact you again to discuss Yoti products and services. If you’d prefer us not to do this, please let us know when you e-mail.