xxHash C library
Swift wrapper forWrapped:
- xxHash32
- xxHash64
- xxHash3 64bit (class xxHash3)
- xxHash3 128bit (class xxHash128)
Getting started
Package Manager
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift:
.package(url: "https://github.com/tesseract-one/xxHash.swift.git", from: "0.1.0")
Run swift build
and build your app.
Add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'xxHash', '~> 0.1.0'
Then run pod install
One Shot methods
import xxHash
let hash64 = xxHash64.hash("UTF8 string")
let hash32 = xxHash32.hash([1, 255, 127, 0], seed: 1234)
let hash3_64 = xxHash3.hash(Data())
let hash3_128 = xxHash128.hash(Data(), seed: 1234, secret: Data(repeating: 0xff, count: 32))
Streaming api
import xxHash
var hasher = try xxHash64(seed: 1234) // or xxHash64() for empty seed
try hasher.update("Some string") // string
try hasher.update([1, 2, 255, 127]) // byte array
try hasher.update(Data(repeating: 0xff, count: 32)) // data
let hash = hasher.digest()
Helper methods
import xxHash
// Canonical form of hash (BE bytes array)
let intHash = xxHash64.hash("UTF8 string")
let hashBytes = xxHash64.canonical(hash: intHash)
let restored = try xxHash64.hash(canonical: hashBytes)
assert(intHash == restored)
// Secret generation for xxHash3
let secret1 = xxHash3.generateSecret(seed: 12345678) // from UInt64
let secret2 = try xxHash3.generateSecret(seed: Data(repeating: 0xff, count: 32)) // from seed data
let secret3 = try xxHash3.generateSecret(seed: "Some string") // from seed string
let secret4 = try xxHash3.generateSecret(seed: [1, 255, 254, 127]) // from byte array
xxHash.swift is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.