xDiffCollection 2.0.0

xDiffCollection 2.0.0

Maintained by Alex Hmelevski, Esteban Garro, Alex Hmelevski.

  • By
  • Swift Gurus


Version License Platform


xDiffCollection operates on the concept of bins. A bin is an array and a filter. Elements that go in those bins are hashable identifiable and equatable differentiable. The filter accepts elements into a bin based on a custom logic provided via a boolean closure.

xDiffCollection exposes two operations: update and delete (update can also add an element if the element passes the test and the element is not previously there)

If the element was already there and an update operation is performed, the logic in the bin is re-run to decide if this is still the appropriate bin for that updated element or not. If it is not, the element is deleted from the current bin and moved to a bin where the updated element passes another's bin logic.

Main Mutating Methods

  • mutating func update(element:T) -> DiffCollectionResult
  • mutating func delete(element:T) -> DiffCollectionResult

Element Accessing Methods

  • func element(atIndexPath path:IndexPath) -> T?
  • func numberOfElements(inSection binIndex:Int) -> Int
  • func numberOfSections() -> Int


After installing xDiffCollection, just include it via:

import xDiffCollection

Create some DiffCollectionFilters:

let f1 = DiffCollectionFilter<TestObject>(name: "Starts with a", filter:{ s in
    if(s.value.starts(with: "a")) {
        return true
    return false
let f2 = DiffCollectionFilter<TestObject>(name: "Starts with b", filter:{ s in
    if(s.value.starts(with: "b")) {
        return true
    return false

let f3 = DiffCollectionFilter<TestObject>(name: "Starts with c", filter:{ s in
    if(s.value.starts(with: "c")) {
        return true
    return false

Instanciate your collection using those filters:

let myCollection = DiffCollection(filters: [f1,f2,f3])

And start using your collection:

let result : DiffCollectionResult = myCollection.update(element: TestObject())


public struct DiffCollectionResult {
    public var deleted: [IndexPath]
    public var added: [IndexPath]
    public var updated: [IndexPath]

And IndexPath.section represents the storage bin in myCollection, and IndexPath.row the position of an element within its bin.


xDiffCollection is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'xDiffCollection'


ALDO Inc., [email protected]


xDiffCollection is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.