whichappMHdetector 0.1.0

whichappMHdetector 0.1.0

Maintained by Sajjad Sarkoobi.

  • By
  • sajjadsarkoobi


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


whichappMHdetector can detect @ and # while you are typing or even if you move back cursor to a mention or hashtag word area and then you can edit it.

whichappMHdetector Hashtag


1- Import whichappMHdetector

import UIKit
import whichappMHdetector

2- make an instance of mentionHashtagDetector and set the delegates

//Making instance
let mentionHashtag = mentionHashtagDetector()
override func viewDidLoad() {

    ///Setting Delegates:
    //UITextView Delegate
    textView.delegate = self
    //mentionHashtagDetector Delegate
    mentionHashtag.delegate = self

3- call detectSign function each time text change, simply calling this function under textViewDidChange

extension ViewController:UITextViewDelegate {
    func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
        ///send every change in UITextView to the mentionHashtagDetector
        mentionHashtag.detectSign(textView: textView)

4- listen to mentionHashtagDetectorDelegate

///Response of mentionHashtagDetector
extension ViewController:mentionHashtagDetectorDelegate {
    func didSignDetected(_ text: String, _ signType: signTypeModels) {
        //Print("\(text)  Type=> \(signType)")

5- Done :)


whichappMHdetector is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'whichappMHdetector'


sajjadsarkoobi, [email protected]


whichappMHdetector is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.