tvOSShelfController 0.2.2

tvOSShelfController 0.2.2

Maintained by Kevin Bradley.

Depends on:
SDWebImage>= 0
FPScrollingBanner>= 0

  • By
  • lechium


tvOS section shelf view made easy.

Easily set up a standard sectioned 'shelf' style view on tvOS (like in App Store, Netflix, pretty much any media app etc)

CI Status Version License Platform


    @import tvOSShelfController;
    #define MODEL(n,p,i) [[KBModelItem alloc] initWithTitle:n imagePath:p uniqueID:i]

    - (NSArray *)items {
        KBSection *section = [KBSection new];
        section.type = @"banner";
        section.size = @"1700x525";
        section.infinite = true;
        section.autoScroll = true;
        section.order = 0;
        section.className = @"KBModelItem";
        KBModelItem *modelItem = [KBModelItem new];
        modelItem.details = @"Drake";
        modelItem.title = @"Drake - Worst Behavior";
        modelItem.banner = @"";
        modelItem.uniqueID = @"CccnAvfLPvE";
        modelItem.resultType = @1;
        section.items = @[modelItem];
        KBSection *sectionTwo = [KBSection new];
        sectionTwo.type = @"standard";
        sectionTwo.sectionName = @"First";
        sectionTwo.size = @"320x240";
        sectionTwo.infinite = false;
        sectionTwo.autoScroll = false;
        sectionTwo.order = 1;
        sectionTwo.className = @"KBModelItem";
        sectionTwo.items = @[
            MODEL(@"God's Plan", @"", @"xpVfcZ0ZcFM"),
            MODEL(@"Rich Flex", @"", @"I4DjHHVHWAE"),
            MODEL(@"Spin Bout U", @"", @"T8nbNQpRwNo"),
            MODEL(@"MIA", @"", @"NveQffpaOlU"),
            MODEL(@"Search & Rescue", @"", @"tVthyPOWc-E"),
        KBSection *sectionThree = [KBSection new];
        sectionThree.type = @"standard";
        sectionThree.sectionName = @"Second";
        sectionThree.size = @"320x240";
        sectionThree.infinite = false;
        sectionThree.autoScroll = false;
        sectionThree.order = 2;
        sectionThree.className = @"KBModelItem";
        sectionThree.items = @[
            MODEL(@"Drake - Worst Behavior", @"", @"CccnAvfLPvE"),
            MODEL(@"Drake - Stars (Official Music Video) 2023", @"", @"R4DZBZJsoEY"),
            MODEL(@"DJ Khaled ft. Drake - POPSTAR (Official Music Video - Starring Justin Bieber)", @"", @"3CxtK7-XtE0"),
            MODEL(@"Meek Mill - Going Bad feat. Drake (Official Video)", @"", @"S1gp0m4B5p8"),
            MODEL(@"Teenage Fever", @"", @"e8HtwsnuTIw"),
        return @[section, sectionTwo, sectionThree];

    - (KBShelfViewController *)createShelfViewController {

        KBShelfViewController *shelfViewController = [[KBShelfViewController alloc] init];
        shelfViewController.placeholderImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"YTPlaceholder.png"];
        shelfViewController.itemSelectedBlock = ^(KBModelItem * _Nonnull item) {
            NSLog(@"item selected block: %@", item);
        shelfViewController.sections = [self items];
        return shelfViewController;

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



tvOSShelfController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'tvOSShelfController'


lechium, [email protected]


tvOSShelfController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Additional Notes

This is still a little rough around the edges, I was trying to abstract this code out of nitoTV, improve and potentially even moderinize it, and I realized, a library like this STILL doesn't exist to my knowledge. I will actually add this to their index after a little more cleanup, just wanted to get something as barebones as possible that can work with a basic sample app.