message-view 1.0.0

message-view 1.0.0

Maintained by Astemir Eleev.

  • By
  • Astemir Eleev

message-view Awesome

Platforms Language Autolayout Build Status CocoaPod License

Last Update: 22/March/2019.

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✍️ About

✉️ Easy to use HUD component for iOS [activity report, success or warning messages, etc.]

🏗 Installation


message-view is available via CocoaPods

pod 'message-view', '~> 1.0.0' 


You can always use copy-paste the sources method 😄. Or you can compile the framework and include it with your project.

📺 Demo

Please wait while the .gif files are loading... (they are about 25Mb)

🍱 Features

  • Easy to use
    • You only need to make a call to a function though MessageView class.
  • Flexible API
    • Includes a number of customization points that allows to decorate the MessageView as you'd like.
  • Styling
    • You may implement various visual styles by conforming to MessageViewBuilder protocol and supplying an instance of your style to configure method of MessageView class.
  • Behavior
    • You may tell the component to dismiss itself after a number of seconds or do it manually.
  • Autolayout
    • You don't need to do anything related to autolayout - the component properly handles everything.
  • customize icons
    • You can supply your own icon and programmatically set its color.

📚 Code Samples


Presents message with an activity indicator view. The intention behind this presentation is to report some long running task:

MessageView.showActivity(withMessage: "Please wait...", dismissAfter: 3.0)

Or you can omit the dismissAfter parameter and hide the MessageView manually by calling hide method:



Presents a success message. The intention behind this presentation is to report that something was successful or completed:

MessageView.showSuccess(withMessage: "Success!", dismissAfter: 2.25)


Presents a warning message. The intention behind this presentation is to report that something wasn't successful or failed:

MessageView.showWarning(withMessage: "Warning!", dismissAfter: 2.5)


Presents a custom image above the message. The intention behind this presentation style is defined by you, the developer. For instance we can present a failure MessageView by providing failureImage and the corresponding tintColor:

MessageView.showCustom(image: failureImage,
                              tintColor: .red,
                              withMessage: "Something went wrong",
                              dismissAfter: 2.8)

Message update

Message updates are used in order to refresh the text message inside a MessageView while it's presented on screen. It's useful is situations when a long running task is in progress and we need to report various stages of the progress:

MessageView.showActivity(withMessage: “Initializing the task...")

fetcher.fetch(data) { result in 
  MessageView.update(message: "Completed! Result is \(result)", dismissAfter: 3.0)
}.progress { value in 
  MessageView.update(message: "Fetching: \(value)%")


There is a protocol called MessageViewBuilder that defines a number of properties. By creating your own version of style or by using one of the existing styles, you can customize the visuals of the component:

MessageView.configure(with: .dark)
MessageView.configure(with: .extraLight)
MessageView.configure(with: .default)

Or you can use an alternative configure method with your own version of style type:

public struct MessageViewNightStyleBuilder: MessageViewBuilder {
    public var activityIndicatorColor: UIColor                          = .init(red: 252 / 256, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)
    public var messageColor: UIColor                                    = .init(red: 71 / 256, green: 68 / 256, blue: 69 / 256, alpha: 1.0)
    public var messageFont: UIFont                                      = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)
    public var animationDuration: TimeInterval                          = 0.475
    public var loadingIndicatorSize: CGFloat                            = 55
    public var loadingIndicatorInitialTransform: CGAffineTransform      = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.12, y: 0.12)
    public var successColor: UIColor                                    = .init(red: 0.0, green: 134 / 256, blue: 245 / 256, alpha: 1.0)
    public var warningColor: UIColor                                    = .init(red: 245 / 256, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)
    public var backgroundStyle: MessageView.BackgroundStyle             = .dark

MessageView.configure(with: MessageViewNightStyleBuilder())

👨‍💻 Author

Astemir Eleev

🔖 Licence

The project is available under MIT licence. The project uses icons under following conditions.