ios-NumberRangeSelector 0.1.2

ios-NumberRangeSelector 0.1.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Marcel Ruegenberg.

Depends on:
objc-utils>= 0.6.0
uikit-utils~> 0.5.1

  • By
  • Marcel Ruegenberg

Granular selection from a numeric range for iOS.

This control is useful whenever you need to select from a range and can therefore be used as a replacement for UISlider and UIPickerView. The original usecase was the weight entry for the app Weightely.


Install the ios-NumberRangeSelector Cocoapod.

Alternatively, copy the .h and .m files into your project, and either install the objc-utils Cocoapod or copy the UIColor+HelperAdditions and NSObject+ObserveActions categories from there into your project.




Screenshot 1

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