iBarChart 0.2

iBarChart 0.2

Maintained by El Mahdi BOUKHRIS.

  • By
  • El Mahdi BOUKHRIS


Version License Platform


Alt text


El Mahdi BOUKHRIS, [email protected]


iBarChart is a simple, fully customizable and animated vertical bar chart component that lets you draw graph representing your data type on the X axis and a percentage on the Y axis.

Example Project

The included example project provides a demonstration of iBarChart. It displays a bar graph and gives the ability to interact with the bars using a delegate method.


This project is available via CocoaPods. In order to install, simply add "iBarChart" to your Podfile.

Working with iBarChart


iBarChart is very easy to use, you first have to start by creating the iChartView view that would hold your graph (either by code or via Interface builder and linking the outlet).

The second thing you'll have to do is prepare your data, for that iBarChart comes with a data model called BarData that holds the infos for each Bar in your Graph (x Axis label, value and bar color). You can instanciate a BarData object by calling one of 2 init methods :

- (id) initWithValue:(int) value forLabel:(NSString*) label withColor:(UIColor*) color;
- (id) initWithValue:(int) value forLabel:(NSString*) label;

You either set a color for each Bar or you don't, and you can mix and match if you choose. BarData objects that do not set the color attribute will be assigned a color automatically depending on their value :

  • [0, 40] = RED'ish : [UIColor colorWithRed:251.0/255.0 green:0.0/255.0 blue:6.0/255.0 alpha:1.0]
  • [40, 70] = YELLOW'ish : [UIColor colorWithRed:253.0/255.0 green:149.0/255.0 blue:10.0/255.0 alpha:1.0]
  • [70, 100] = GREEN'ish : [UIColor colorWithRed:15.0/255.0 green:113.0/255.0 blue:1.0/255.0 alpha:1.0]

Once your view is in place and your iChartView instance ready, make an array with your BarData Objects and use one of 2 methods to draw your graph :

- (void) drawChartForPercentages:(NSMutableArray*) data;
  • The value attibute of each of your BarData Object must be an int ]0, 100]
- (void) drawChartForValues:(NSMutableArray*) data withMaxValue:(long) maxValue;
  • maxValue would represent 100% and the value attibute of each of your BarData Object must be an int ]0, maxValue]


iChartView defines a selection delegate called iBarSelectionDelegate. To get a ballback if/when your the user interacts with your graph make your Class implement the iBarSelectionDelegate protocol :

- (void) didSelectBarAtIndex:(int) index WithData:(BarData*) data;
  • Called when a Bar is clicked and gives the selected index along with the BarData object responsable of drawing the selected graph bar.
- (void) didClearSelection;
  • Called when no bar is selected, tipically when user selects a bar highlighting it and then reselects the same bar unhighlighting it.


If this project helped you, buy me coffee ☕️
