concurrency-kit 1.1.1

concurrency-kit 1.1.1

Maintained by Astemir Eleev.

  • By
  • Astemir Eleev

concurrency-kit Awesome

Platforms Language CocoaPod Build Status Coverage License

Last Update: 31/March/2019.

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✍️ About

πŸš„ Concurrency abstractions framework for iOS development [Task, Atomic, Lock, etc.].

πŸ— Installation


concurrency-kit is available via CocoaPods

pod 'concurrency-kit', '~> 1.1.1' 


You can always use copy-paste the sources method πŸ˜„. Or you can compile the framework and include it with your project.

πŸ”₯ Features

  • Atomics - synchronization primitive that is implemented in several forms: Generic, Int and Bool.
    • Fast. Under the hood a mutex (pthread_mutex_lock) that is more efficient than OSSpinLock and faster than NSLock.
    • Throwable. You can safely throw Errors and be able to delegate the handling.
  • Locks - contains a number of locks, such as:
    • UnfairLock - A lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while repeatedly checking if the lock is available.
    • ReadWriteLock - An RW lock allows concurrent access for read-only operations, while write operations require exclusive access.
    • Mutex - Allows only one thread to be active in a given region of code.
  • DispatchQueue+Extensions - extended DispatchQueue, where asyncAfter and once methods add convenience.
  • Task - A unit of work that performs a specific job and usually runs concurrently with other tasks.
    • Tasks can be grouped - meaning that you are able to compose the tasks, similar to Futures & Promises and execute them serially.
    • Tasks can be sequenced - meaning that you are able to compose different groups and execute them concurrently. No need to repeatedly use DispatchGroup (enter/leave).
  • Stateful Operation - is a custom Operation class that supports modern, Swifty state management through the usage of Atomics and Enum types.
  • Thoroughly tested.

πŸ“š Examples


In order to create a Task, you need to simply use the Task struct and the trailing closure syntax:

let uploadingTask = Task { controller in
  uploader(photos) { result in 
    switch result {
      case .success:
      case .failure(let error):          error)
uploadingTask.perform { outcome in

You can group the tasks, so the concurrent operations will be performed sequentially, one after another. Then, you can chain a completion closure to handle the outcome:

let filesToUpload = [file, photo, video, xml]

let group =
group.perform { outcome in 

Or you can concurrently perform a collection of tasks. They will be executed asynchronously, in parallel (if possible) or concurrently, that is up to the GCD:

let filesToUpload = [file, photo, video, xml]

let group = Task.sequence(filesToUpload)
group.perform { outcome in 

Stateful Operation

Operation that has more 'Swifty' state management system, where state is an enum type with a number of possible cases. In order to demostrate the typical usage, let's define a new custom operation for network request:

class NetworkStatefulOperation: StatefullOperation {

  // MARK: - Properties
  private let callback: (StatefullOperation?) -> Void
  private let service: NetworkService             
  private let dataHandler: Parsable            
  // MARK: - Initializers
  init(_ service: NetworkService, _ dataHandler: Parser, callback: @escaping (StatefullOperation?) -> Void) {
    self.service = service
    self.dataHandler = dataHandler
    self.callback = callback
  // MARK: - Overrides
  override func executableSection() {
    service.dataTask { [weak self] result in 

Then, the usage of the NetworkStatefulOperation class is quite straightforward:

// 1. Create an instance of `NetworkStatefulOperation` class:
let networkiOperation = NetworkStatefulOperation(service, parser) {
  // 3. As soon as the operation is finished, this closure will be executed with the operation state that can futher be handled to properly update the UI:
  updateUI(with: $0.state)
// 2. Then call the `start` method:


Guarantees safe mutation of a property in multiple async dispatch queues. Simply wrap a property in Atomic type:

let atomic = Atomic(0) {
  atomic.modify { $0 + 1 }
} {
  atomic.modify { $0 + 1 }

You can also use slightly more performance-friendly AtomicInt and AtomicBool classes, hence there is no dynamic dispatch involved (though Swift compiler is smart enough to apply complier optimization called compile-time generic specialization)


Read Write Lock

A syncronozation primitive that solves one of the readers–writers problems:

let rwLock = ReadWriteLock()

sharedValue += 1

Or you can restrict the reading access, so other threads will not be able to read the mutated value of a property until the lock will be released:

let rwLock = ReadWriteLock()

sharedValue += 1

Unfair Lock

A lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin"), while repeatedly checking if the lock is available:

let unfairLock = UnfairLock()

sharedValue += 1


Used to protect shared resources. A mutex is owned by the task that takes it. In a given region of code only one thread is active:

let mutex = Mutex()

mutex.withCriticalScope {
  return sharedValue += 1

Dispatch Queue

There is a convenience method that removes the need to pass .now() + time in order to make an async call:

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(seconds: 2.5) {

Also, DispatchQueue.once was returned back::

// The following concurrentQueue is called multiple times, though the caughtValue will be set to value only once.
concurrentQueue.async {
  DispatchQueue.once(token: "caught") {
    caughtValue = value

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Author

Astemir Eleev

πŸ”– Licence

The project is available under MIT licence