card-mawarid-iOS 1.0.4

card-mawarid-iOS 1.0.4

Maintained by Osama Rabie.

Depends on:
TapUIKit-iOS>= 0
TapNetworkKit-iOS>= 0
TapApplicationV2>= 0
SwiftyRSA>= 0
TapKeychainV2>= 0
SwiftyPickerPopover>= 0

  • By
  • O Rabie


A dedicated card collection UIView for Mawarid, while being PCI compliant.


  1. Swift 4.0+

  2. iOS 13.0+

# Installation

You can install with cocoapods by adding this card-mawarid-iOS to the pod file. Then run the following command

pod install

Adding UIView

  1. From storyboard you can drag and drop a UIView.

  2. From the inspector set the class to MawaridCardView.

  3. Set the height to 330.


To init the card kit, you will need to pass required data before showing the card view.

     The datasource configiation required so the card kit can perform Init call api
     - Parameter sdkMode: Represents the mode of the sdk . Whether sandbox or production
     - Parameter localeIdentifier : The ISO 639-1 Code language identefier, please note if the passed locale is wrong or not found in the localisation files, we will show the keys instead of the values
     - Parameter secretKey: The secret keys providede to your business from TAP.
let cardDataConfig:TapCardDataConfiguration = .init(sdkMode: .sandbox, localeIdentifier: "en", secretKey: .init(sandbox: "sk_test_yKOxBvwq3oLlcGS6DagZYHM2", production: "sk_live_V4UDhitI0r7sFwHCfNB6xMKp"))
     Populate the card forum configuration with the required data.
     - Parameter dataConfig: The data configured by you as a merchant (e.g. secret key, locale, etc.). Required
     - Parameter cusomTheme: The theme object which contains the path to the local or to the remote custom light and dark themes. Optional
     - Parameter customLocalisation: The localisation object which contains the path to the local or to the remote custom localisation files. Optional
     - Parameter transactionCurrency: The currency you want to show the card brands that accepts it. Default is KWD
     - Parameter merchantID: The tap merchant id.
     - Parameter customer: Tap customer if any.
     - Parameter onCheckoutRead: A block to execure upon completion
     - Parameter onErrorOccured: A block to execure upon error
        TapCardForumConfiguration.shared.configure(dataConfig: cardDataConfig,customTheme: .init(with: "lightTheme", and: "darkTheme", from: .LocalJsonFile),customLocalisation: .init(with: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "cardlocalisation", withExtension: "json"), from: .LocalJsonFile, shouldFlip: false, localeIdentifier: "en"), transactionCurrency: .SAR) {
            //  All went good, show the UIViewcontroller that has the card kit uiview
        } onErrorOccured: { error in

            // Something is wrong, please need the required action


On demand, you can start the tokenzation process.

/// A storyboard reference to the card view added as indicated before
@IBOutlet weak var mawaridCardView: MawaridCardView!
// Whenever needed start the tokenization process as follows
mawaridCardView.tokenizeCard { [weak self] token in
            // Store the token for further usage
        } onErrorOccured: { [weak self] error, cardFieldsValidity in
            // Something wrong happened. Do the needful logic


The pod utilises the protocol scheme to passback callbacks for special events.

/// A storyboard reference to the card view added as indicated before
@IBOutlet weak var mawaridCardView: MawaridCardView!
// Assign the delegate
mawaridCardView.delegate = self
extension ViewController:MawaridCardDelegate {
    /// Will be fired when the validation status of the form changes. And will let you know if the card form is ready to do be processed or not
    @objc func cardValidationStatusChanged(to:CardKitValidationStatusEnum)
    /// Will be fired once the card form faces any error
    @objc func errorOccured(with error:CardKitErrorType, message:String)
     Be updated by listening to events fired from the card kit
     - Parameter with event: The event just fired
    @objc func eventHappened(with event:CardKitEventType)
    /// Will be fired to indicate whether the user wants to save the card or not
    @objc func saveCardCheckBoxChanged(to:Bool)

Theme & Localisation

Please add the following files to the main bundle of the project:






        "title":"Mawarid enter the card details",
        "cardNamePlaceholder":"Card holder name",
        "cardNumberPlaceholder":"Card number",
        "cardExpiryPlaceholder":"Card expiry",
        "saveCard":"Save card for next transactions",
        "title":"من فضلك أدخل بيانات البطاقة",
        "cardNamePlaceholder":"اسم صاحب البطاقة",
        "cardNumberPlaceholder":"رقم البطاقة",
        "cardExpiryPlaceholder":"تاريخ الإنتهاء",
        "cardCVVPlaceholder":"رمز الأمان",
        "saveCard":"حفظ البطاقة للمعاملات القادمة",

Example project

please download the example project at GitHub - Tap-Payments/card-mawarid-iOS