box-ios-share-sdk 1.0.1

box-ios-share-sdk 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2015

Maintained by Irving Ruan, Jeremy Pang, Rico Yao.

  • By
  • Box

Box iOS Share SDK

This SDK allows you to show UI that allows users to view collaborators for their folders or create shared links for their items on BOX.

Developer Setup

  • Ensure you have the latest version of XCode installed.
  • We encourage you to use Cocoa Pods to import the SDK into your project. Cocoa Pods is a simple, but powerful dependency management tool. If you do not already use Cocoa Pods, it's very easy to get started.


Step 1: Add to your Podfile

pod 'box-ios-share-sdk'

Step 2: Install

pod install

Step 3: Import

#import <BoxShareSDK/BoxShareSDK.h>

Step 4: Set the Box Client ID and Client Secret that you obtain from creating a developer account

[BOXContentClient setClientID:@"your-client-id" clientSecret:@"your-client-secret"];

Step 5: Launch a BOXSharedLinkViewController

BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient defaultClient];
BOXSharedLinkViewController *sharedLinkViewController = [[BOXSharedLinkViewController alloc] initWithContentClient:contentClient fileID:@"123"];

// You must push it to a UINavigationController (i.e. do not 'presentViewController')
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:sharedLinkViewController];
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil];

Sample App

A sample app can be found in the BoxShareSDKSampleApp folder. To execute the sample app: Step 1: Install Pods

cd BoxShareSDKSampleApp
pod install

Step 2: Open Workspace

open BoxShareSDKSampleApp.xcworkspace

Copyright and License

Copyright 2015 Box, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Box Terms of Service; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at​