appstarter-pod-ios 0.2.1

appstarter-pod-ios 0.2.1

Maintained by Gabrielle Earnshaw.

Depends on:
XCGLogger~> 7.0
MockBalm>= 0
SwiftLint>= 0

  • By
  • gearnshaw


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



appstarter-pod-ios is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'appstarter-pod-ios'

Setting up a new project with appstarter-pod-ios

  1. Create a new project in Xcode
  2. Set up cocoapods and install appstarter-pod-ios as described above
  3. Copy Gemfile from /appstarter-pod-ios/appstarter-pod-ios/Resources/Bundler. This includes the cocopods and fastlane gems and will allow bundler be used. Use the command: cp Pods/appstarter-pod-ios/appstarter-pod-ios/Resources/Bundler/Gemfile Gemfile
  4. Run bundle install to install dependencies from the gemfile
  5. Set up fastlane
  6. Copy the Fastfile from /appstarter-pod-ios/appstarter-pod-ios/Resources/Fastlane to the fastlane directory of the project
  7. Run bundle exec fastlane copyResources to copy over other required Resources
  8. open /Fastlane/.env.default (copied in the above step) and edit variables to apply to this project
  9. Add a SwiftLint build phase to the project
  10. Sourcery set up
  11. Edit .sourcery.yml to set up for the current project
  12. Edit SourceryTemplates/Test/LocalImports.stencil to set up for the current project
  13. Add a Sourcery build phase to the project
  14. Set up automatic versioning. Follow the steps here:
  15. Set up certificates and provisioning profiles
  16. Ensure source control is clean
  17. Edit the Fastfile to turn off the readonly flag in the :certificates lane (see the comments in the file to explain which line to comment in)
  18. Run bundle exec fastlane certificates
  19. Reset the changes that were made to the fastlane script
  20. Run bundle exec fastlane printVariables and check against the Xcode project that everything is set up correctly

Updating to the latest version of appstarter-pod-ios

  1. Update the pod: bundle exec pod update appstarter-pod-ios
  2. Ensure everything is committed (or staged) in source control
  3. Update to the latest versions of scripts by running bundle exec fastlane copyResources
  4. Check the changes in source control. Some files, such as .env.default will overwrite the local versions, so you'll need to reset any files (or individual lines) that you don't want.


gllittler, [email protected]


appstarter-pod-ios is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.