ZZBase 0.3.0

ZZBase 0.3.0

Maintained by CzzBoom.

ZZBase 0.3.0

  • By
  • CZ410


CI Status Version License Platform

ZZBase是一个封装了开发中常用功能的基础工具库。支持iOS11及以上版本。 Image text




    /// 防止数组越界
    subscript(index: Int, safe: Bool) -> Element?
    func zz_objAt(index:Int) -> Element? 
    /// 获取一个元素的Index
    func zz_index(of object: Element) -> Int? 
    /// 删除一个元素
    mutating func zz_remove(_ obj: Element) 
    mutating func zz_remove(_ index: Int)
    /// 获取数组中元素的 某一个属性值
    func zz_subValues(_ keyValue:((_ element:Element) -> String?)) -> [String] 
    /// 将数组字符串拼接成一个字符串 用 splice 隔开
    func zz_join(_ splice: String, block:@escaping ((Element) -> String)) -> String
    func zz_sub(to index: Int) -> [Element]
    func zz_sub(frome index: Int) -> [Element]
    func zz_sub(in range: NSRange) -> [Element

    /// 将数组字符串拼接成一个字符串 用 splice 隔开 Element == String
    func zz_join(_ splice: String) -> String


    /// APP名字
    static var zz_bundleName: String
    /// APP BundleIdentifier e.g. "com.ibireme.MyApp"
    static var zz_bundleID: String
    /// APP版本
    static var zz_appVersion: String
    /// APP Build
    static var zz_appBuild: String 
    /// 是否有新版本号
    static var zz_isNewFeature: Bool


    var bytes: [UInt8]
    var zz_md2: String
    var zz_md2Data: Data
    var zz_md4: String
    var zz_md4Data: Data
    var zz_md5: String
    var zz_md5Data: Data
    var zz_utf8Str: String


    static func zz_comps(type:Calendar.Component, date: Date = Date()) -> Int 
    static func zz_year(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_month(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_day(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_hour(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_minute(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_second(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_weekday(date: Date = Date()) -> Int
    static func zz_today(_ formatter:String) -> String
    /// 年
    var zz_year: String 
    /// 月
    var zz_month: String 
    /// 日
    var zz_day: String 
    /// 小时
    var zz_hour: String 
    /// 分
    var zz_minute: String
    /// 秒
    var zz_seconds: String
    /// 星期几 1:星期日 ~~~ 7:星期六
    var zz_weekDay: Int
    /// 当前时间是否是今天
    var zz_isToday: Bool
    ///  当前年是否是闰年
    var zz_isLeapYear: Bool
    /// 时间戳  精确到毫秒
    var zz_timeStamp: TimeInterval
    /// 星期几 自定义中文标题(周一/星期一/礼拜一)
    func zz_weekDay(title: String? = "星期") -> String
    /// 比较当前时间和另一个时间的前后
    func zz_compare(date: Date, formatter: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") -> ComparisonResult
    /// 一个月有多少天
    func zz_monthTotalDays(calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current) -> Int
    /// 根据date获取偏移指定天数的date year = 1表示1年后的时间 year = -1为1年前的日期,month day 类推
    func zz_year(offset: Int, calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current) -> Date?
    /// 根据date获取偏移指定月数的date year = 1表示1年后的时间 year = -1为1年前的日期,month day 类推
    func zz_month(offset: Int, calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current) -> Date?
    /// 根据date获取偏移指定天数的date year = 1表示1年后的时间 year = -1为1年前的日期,month day 类推
    func zz_day(offset: Int, calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current) -> Date?
    /// 将Date转成字符串
    func zz_dateString(_ formatterStr: String, calendar: Calendar.Identifier? = nil) -> String
    /// 时间戳转时间
    static func zz_dateString(_ timeStamp: TimeInterval, to formatter: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", calendar: Calendar.Identifier? = nil) -> String
    /// 字符串转Date
    static func zz_date(_ dateStr: String, formatter: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", calendar: Calendar.Identifier? = nil) -> Date?
    ///  将一个时间格式的时间转换成另一个时间格式的时间
    static func zz_date(_ dateStr: String, formatter: String, changeTo changeToFormatter: String) -> String?
    /// 判断两个时间年月日是否相等
    func zz_equalDay(day: Date) -> Bool
    /// 将Date对象转成app需要的时间格式的字符串 "刚刚" "\(seconds/60)分钟前" "\(seconds/3600)小时前" "昨天 HH:mm"
    func zz_dateToRequiredTimeStr(calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current) -> String
    /// 农历月
    var zz_chineseMonth: String
    /// 农历日
    var zz_chineseDay: String
    /// 时辰
    var zz_chineseHour: String


    mutating func zz_append(dic:Dictionary) -> Void
    var zz_allKeys: [Key] 


    func zz_addObservers(_ keyPaths:[String], key: String = "", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.old,.new], block:@escaping NSObject.ObserverBlockTargetAlias) 

    func zz_addObserver(_ keyPath: String, key: String = "", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.old,.new], block:@escaping NSObject.ObserverBlockTargetAlias)

    func zz_removeObserver(_ keyPath: String, key: String)

    func zz_removeObservers(_ keyPaths: [String], key: String)
    func zz_removeObserver(_ keyPath: String)

    func zz_remoAllObservers()

NSObject Runtime Set Get

     func zz_objc_set(key: String, _ newValue: Any?,_ policy: objc_AssociationPolicy = .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

    func zz_objc_get<T>( key: String, _ type: T.Type) -> T?


    var zz_md5: String
    /// base64编码
    var zz_base64Encoded: String?
    /// base64解码
    var zz_base64Decoded: String?
    /// utf-8 Data
    var zz_utf8: Data?
    /// 16进制字符串转Data
    var zz_hex: Data?
    var zz_last: String
    var zz_first: String
    var zz_pinyin: String
    var zz_formatJson: String 

    var zz_intValue: Int
    var zz_doubleValue: Double
    var zz_floatValue: CGFloat 
    /// 判断是否是小数
    var zz_isFloat: Bool

    /// 计算是否是整数
    var zz_isInt: Bool 
    /// 判断是否是手机号码
    var zz_isPhone: Bool

    /// 是否是固话
    var zz_isTelPhone: Bool 

    /// 判断是否是身份证号码
    var zz_isIdCard: Bool
    var zz_isCode_6: Bool
    /// 是否是IP地址
    var zz_isIP: Bool

    /// 判断是否是邮箱
    var zz_isEmail:Bool 

    /// 判断是否是中文
    var zz_isChinese:Bool 

    /// 判断是否是链接
    var zz_isURL:Bool 
    /// 计算文字的Size
    func zz_textSize(font: UIFont, maxSize: CGSize) -> CGSize
    func zz_sub(from index: Int) -> String 
    func zz_sub(to index: Int) -> String 
    func zz_sub(range index: NSRange) -> String
    func zz_sub(from: Int, length: Int) -> String
    func zz_hidden(range index: NSRange, replace: String = "*") -> String
    /// 替换length之后文本
    func zz_replace(from index: Int, to toString:String = "") -> String
    /// 将字符串每隔数位用分割符隔开 如将【123456】分割成【123,456】
    func zz_partition(gap: Int = 3, seperator: Character = ",") -> String 
    /// 判断字符位数是否在区间内
    func zz_isLength(min:Int, max:Int)  -> Bool
     /// 添加HTML结构
    var zz_addHtml: String
    ///  将字符串转换成HTML富文本
    func zz_htmlAttri(font: UIFont? = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), lineSpacing: CGFloat? = 10) -> NSMutableAttributedString



    /// UUID
    static var zz_uuid: String
    /// 用户手机别名
    static var zz_phoneName: String
    /// 设备名称
    static var zz_systemName: String 

    /// 设备系统版本
    static var zz_systemVersion: String 

    /// 是否是iPhone X
    static var zz_isIPhoneX: Bool

    /// 是否是 iphone5 及以下
    static var zz_isIphone5OrLess: Bool 

    /// 是否是iPad
    static var zz_isIpad: Bool

    /// 是否是iPhone
    static var zz_isIphone: Bool 

    /// 是否是暗黑模式
    static var zz_isDarkModel: Bool
    /// 是否是Retina
    static var zz_isRetina: Bool
    /// 是否是模拟器
    static var zz_isSimuLator: Bool
    /// 设备磁盘
    static func zz_disk(_ key: FileAttributeKey) -> String?
    /// 设备总磁盘空间
    static var zz_diskSpace: Int
    /// 设备剩余磁盘空间
    static var zz_diskSpaceFree: Int 
    /// 设备已用磁盘空间
    static var zz_diskSpaceUsed: Int 


    /// 删除所有的子Layer
    func zz_removeAllSubLayers()
    var zz_x: CGFloat
    var zz_y : CGFloat
    var zz_width : CGFloat
    var zz_height: CGFloat
    var zz_maxX: CGFloat
    var zz_maxY: CGFloat 
    var zz_size: CGSize
    var zz_origin : CGPoint
    var zz_center: CGPoint
    var zz_centerX: CGFloat
    var zz_centerY: CGFloat
    var zz_frame: CGRect

CALayer Animation

    struct ZZAnimationKey {
        public var rawValue: String
        public init(rawValue: String) {
            self.rawValue = rawValue
        public static let  position = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "position") // 移动到另外一个 点(point)
        public static let  cornerRadius = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "cornerRadius") // 圆角动画
        public static let  transformRotation = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.rotation")
        public static let  transformRotationX = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.rotation.x")
        public static let  transformRotationY = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.rotation.y")
        public static let  transformRotationZ = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.rotation.z")
        public static let  transformScale = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.scale")
        public static let  transformScaleX = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.scale.x")
        public static let  transformScaleY = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.scale.y")
        public static let  transformScaleZ = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.scale.z")
        public static let  transformTranslationX = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.translation.x")
        public static let  transformTranslationY = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.translation.y")
        public static let  transformTranslationZ  = ZZAnimationKey(rawValue: "tranform.translation.z")
    /// CABasicAnimation 基础动画
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - key: ZZAnimationKey 动画类型
    ///   - startValue: 起始值
    ///   - endValue: 结束值
    ///   - duration: 动画时间
    ///   - delay: 动画延迟时间 默认:0
    ///   - repeatCount: 动画循环次数 默认:1
    ///   - removedOnCompletion: 动画结束之后位置是否保持不变(即动画结束是否依然在startValue)默认: false
    ///   - option: 动画方式  linear: 匀速 easeIn: 慢进 easeOut: 慢出 easeInEaseOut: 慢进慢出 default: 慢进慢出 默认:default
    @discardableResult func zz_animation(key: ZZAnimationKey,
                      startValue: Any?,
                      endValue: Any?,
                      duration: TimeInterval = 2.0,
                      delay: TimeInterval = 0,
                      repeatCount: Float = 1,
                      removedOnCompletion: Bool = false,
                      option: CAMediaTimingFunctionName = .default) -> CABasicAnimation
    /// CAKeyframeAnimation 基础动画
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - key: ZZAnimationKey 动画类型
    ///   - values: 关键帧数组对象,里面每一个元素即为一个关键帧,动画会在对应的时间段内,依次执行数组中每一个关键帧的动画
    ///   - keyTimes: 设置关键帧对应的时间点,范围:0-1。如果没有设置该属性,则每一帧的时间平分
    ///   - duration: 动画时间
    ///   - delay: 动画延迟时间
    ///   - repeatCount: 动画循环次数
    ///   - path: 动画路径
    ///   - removedOnCompletion: 动画结束之后位置是否保持不变 默认: false
    ///   - option: 动画方式
    ///   - rotationMode: 旋转方式
    @discardableResult func zz_animation(key: ZZAnimationKey,
                      values: [Any]?,
                      keyTimes: [NSNumber]?,
                      duration: TimeInterval = 2.0,
                      delay: TimeInterval = 0,
                      repeatCount: Float = 1,
                      path: CGPath? = nil,
                      removedOnCompletion: Bool = false,
                      option: CAMediaTimingFunctionName = .default,
                      rotationMode: CAAnimationRotationMode? = nil) -> CAKeyframeAnimation
    /// CASpringAnimation 基础动画  弹簧效果
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - key: ZZAnimationKey 动画类型
    ///   - toValue: 终点位置
    ///   - delay: 延迟时间
    ///   - mass:  质量(影响弹簧的惯性,质量越大,弹簧惯性越大,运动的幅度越大)
    ///   - stiffness: 弹性系数(弹性系数越大,弹簧的运动越快)
    ///   - damping: 阻尼系数(阻尼系数越大,弹簧的停止越快)
    ///   - initialVelocity: 初始速率(弹簧动画的初始速度大小,弹簧运动的初始方向与初始速率的正负一致,若初始速率为0,表示忽略该属性)
    ///   - repeatCount: 动画执行的次数
    ///   - removedOnCompletion: 运动后的位置保持不变(layer的最后位置是toValue)
    ///   - option: 动画的时间节奏控制 方式
    @discardableResult func zz_animation(key: ZZAnimationKey,
                      toValue: Any?,
                      delay: TimeInterval = 0,
                      mass: CGFloat = 10.0,
                      stiffness: CGFloat = 50,
                      damping: CGFloat = 100.0,
                      initialVelocity: CGFloat = 5,
                      repeatCount: Float = 1,
                      removedOnCompletion: Bool = false,
                      option: CAMediaTimingFunctionName = .default) -> CASpringAnimation
    /// CAAnimationGroup 的基类动画
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - animations: 动画组
    ///   - duration: 动画时长
    ///   - delay: 动画时长
    ///   - repeatCount: 重复次数
    ///   - removedOnCompletion: 运动后的位置保持不变(layer的最后位置是toValue)
    ///   - option:  动画的时间节奏控制 方式
    @discardableResult func zz_animation_group(_ animations: [CAAnimation]?,
                            duration: TimeInterval = 2.0,
                            delay: TimeInterval = 0,
                            repeatCount: Float = 1,
                            removedOnCompletion: Bool = false,
                            option: CAMediaTimingFunctionName = .default) -> CAAnimationGroup 


    /// "Documents" folder in this app's sandbox.
    static var zz_document_url: URL?
    static var zz_document_path: String
    /// "Caches" folder in this app's sandbox.
    static var zz_caches_url: URL?
    static var zz_caches_path: String
    /// "Library" folder in this app's sandbox.
    static var zz_library_url: URL?
    static var zz_library_path: String{


     @discardableResult func zz_register<T>(cell cellClass: T.Type, nibName: String? = nil, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> Self where T: UICollectionViewCell
    @discardableResult func zz_register<T>(header headerClass: T.Type, nibName: String? = nil, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> Self where T: UICollectionReusableView
    @discardableResult func zz_register<T>(footer headerClass: T.Type, nibName: String? = nil, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> Self where T: UICollectionReusableView

    func zz_cell<T: UICollectionViewCell>(_ identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier",
                 cellClass: T.Type,
                 indexPath: IndexPath) -> T 
    func zz_dequeueReusableSupplementaryView<T: UICollectionReusableView>(ofKind elementKind: String, withReuseIdentifier identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier", for indexPath: IndexPath, classType: T.Type) -> T

    func zz_header<T: UICollectionReusableView>(_ classType: T.Type, for indexPath: IndexPath, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> T

    func zz_footer<T: UICollectionReusableView>(_ classType: T.Type, for indexPath: IndexPath, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> T


    func zz_register<T>(cell cellClass: T.Type, nibName: String? = nil, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> Self where T: UITableViewCell
    func zz_register<T>(headerFooter cellClass: T.Type, nibName: String? = nil, identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier") -> Self where T: UITableViewHeaderFooterView
    func zz_cell(_ style:UITableViewCell.CellStyle = .default, initBlock: ((_ cell: UITableViewCell) -> Void)? = nil) -> UITableViewCell 
    func zz_cell<T: UITableViewCell>(identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier",
                  for indexPath: IndexPath) -> T
    func zz_cell<T: UITableViewCell>(identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))_identifier",
                  style:UITableViewCell.CellStyle = .default,
                  initBlock:((_ cell:T) -> Void)? = nil) -> T

    func zz_headerFooter<T: UITableViewHeaderFooterView>(identifier: String = "\(NSStringFromClass(T.self))HeaderFooter_identifier",
        headerFooterClass: T.Type,
        initBlock:((_ cell:T) -> Void)? = nil) -> T


     var r: CGFloat
    var g: CGFloat
    var b: CGFloat
    var a: CGFloat
    /// 暗黑模式颜色
    static func zz_darkColor(_ light: UIColor,_ dark: UIColor) -> UIColor
    /// Color RGB
    static func zz_rgba(r: CGFloat, g: CGFloat, b: CGFloat, a: CGFloat) -> UIColor
    /// HEXColor
    static func zz_hex(_ hexStr: String, alpha: CGFloat = 1) -> UIColor
    ///  获取颜色的RGB
    func zz_rgba() -> (r:CGFloat,g:CGFloat,b:CGFloat,a:CGFloat) 
    /// 修改颜色的透明度
    func zz_alpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) -> UIColor
    /// 修改颜色的透明度
    static func zz_alpha(_ color: UIColor, alpha: CGFloat) -> UIColor
    /// 过渡颜色到指定颜色
    func zz_transition(to color: UIColor, progress: CGFloat) -> UIColor 
    /// 生成一个随机色
    static func zz_random() -> UIColor


      /// 添加事件
    @discardableResult func zz_addBlock(for events:UIControl.Event, block:@escaping ((_ sender: Any) -> Void)) -> Self

    @discardableResult func zz_addTarget(_ target: Any?, action: Selector, for controlEvents: UIControl.Event) -> Self

    /// 删除通过block绑定的事件
    @discardableResult func zz_removeBlockTarget(for events: UIControl.Event) -> Self

    /// 删除所有的点击事件
    @discardableResult func zz_removeAllTarget() -> Self
    var zz_isEnabled: Bool
    @discardableResult func zz_isEnabled(_ enable: Bool) -> Self
    var zz_isSelected: Bool
    @discardableResult func zz_isSelected(_ selected: Bool) -> Self


    /// 不透明度
    var opaque: Bool
    /// 取图片 UIImage.init(named: name)
    static func zz_named(_ name:String) -> UIImage?
    /// base64转图片
    static func zz_base64(_ base64:String) -> UIImage?

    /// 使用颜色绘制一张图片
    static func zz_image(color: UIColor, size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)) -> UIImage? 

    /// 截取View图片
    static func zz_snapshot(_ fromeView:UIView?, in frame:CGRect) -> UIImage?
    /// 修改图片的颜色
    func zz_image(tintColor:UIColor, blendMode: CGBlendMode = .destinationIn, alpha: CGFloat = 1) -> UIImage? 
    /// 图片修改成圆角
    func zz_roundCorner(_ byRoundingCorners: UIRectCorner = UIRectCorner.allCorners, cornerRadii: CGFloat) -> UIImage? 
    /// 图片修改成圆角
    func zz_roundCorner(_ byRoundingCorners: UIRectCorner = UIRectCorner.allCorners, cornerRadii: CGSize) -> UIImage?
    /// 旋转 翻折图片
    func zz_image(orientation: UIImage.Orientation) -> UIImage
    /// 水平翻转图片
    func zz_filp() -> UIImage 

    /// 向右旋转90° ⤼
    func zz_rotateRight90() -> UIImag
    /// 等比率缩放
    func zz_scale(_ scaleSize: CGFloat) -> UIImage? 
    /// 按照比例拉伸图片
    func zz_resizable(_ widthScale: CGFloat,_  heightScale: CGFloat) -> UIImage
    /// 根据图片宽度重置图片大小
    func zz_resize_w(_ width: CGFloat) -> UIImage? 
    /// 根据图片高度重置图片大小
    func zz_resize_h(_ height: CGFloat) -> UIImage? 
    /// 重置图片大小 自动根据最大边长适配
    func zz_resize(_ maxWidthOrHeight: CGFloat) -> UIImage? 
    /// 重设图片大小
    func zz_resize(_ reSize:CGSize) -> UIImage?
    /// 剪切图片
    func zz_cropping(in rect: CGRect) -> UIImage?
    /// 生成一张二维码
    static func zz_qrImage(_ content: String, size: CGSize = CGSize(100) , onColor: UIColor = .black, offColor: UIColor = .white) -> UIImage?
    /// 压缩图片数据-不压尺寸
    func zz_compress(_ maxLength: Int) -> Data?
    /// 压缩图片
    func zz_compress_mid(_ maxLength: Int) -> Data?
    /// 压缩图片
    func zz_compress_image(_ maxLength: Int) -> UIImage? 
    /// 给图片打上 文字
    func zz_draw(text: String, attributed: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any], scale: CGFloat) -> UIImage


    var zz_x: CGFloat
    var zz_y : CGFloat
    var zz_width : CGFloat
    var zz_height: CGFloat 
    var zz_maxX: CGFloat
    var zz_maxY: CGFloat
    var zz_size: CGSize 
    var zz_origin : CGPoint
    var zz_center: CGPoint
    var zz_centerX: CGFloat 
    var zz_centerY: CGFloat
    var zz_frame: CGRect
    var zz_alpha: CGFloat 
    var zz_borderColor: UIColor
    var zz_borderWidth: CGFloat
    var zz_cornerRadius: CGFloat
    var zz_masksToBounds: Bool
    var zz_backgroundColor: UIColor?
    var zz_isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool
    var zz_isHidden: Bool
    @discardableResult func zz_border(width: CGFloat = 0.5, color: UIColor = UIColor.gray, radius: CGFloat? = nil) -> Self
    @discardableResult func zz_addSubView(_ view: UIView) -> Self
    @discardableResult func zz_addSubView(_ view: UIView, constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) -> Self
    @discardableResult func zz_addSubView(_ view: UIView, constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) -> Self
    /// 一次添加多个子控件
    @discardableResult func zz_addSubViews(subviews:[UIView]) -> Self 
    @discardableResult func zz_addSubViews(subviews:[UIView], constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) -> Self 
    @discardableResult func zz_insertSubView(_ view: UIView, at index: Int) -> Self
    @discardableResult func zz_insertSubView(_ view: UIView, belowSubview: UIView) -> Self
    @discardableResult func zz_insertSubView(_ view: UIView, aboveSubview: UIView) -> Self
    /// 删除所有的字窗体
    func zz_removeAllSubViews()
    /// 删除本窗体中 选中的子窗体
    func zz_remove(_ subViews: [UIView])
    /// 找到本窗体中的
    func zz_find<T: UIView>(_ Class: T.Type) -> T? 
    /// 查找当前View是否包含view
    func zz_isHave(view: UIView) -> Bool
    /// 找到当前控件所在的控制器
    func zz_getCurrentViewCtrl() -> UIViewController?
    @discardableResult func zz_addTap(target: Any?, action: Selector?) -> Self
    /// 添加事件
    @discardableResult func zz_addTap(block:@escaping ((_ sender: Any) -> Void)) -> Self
    /// 删除通过 zz_addTap 绑定的事件
    @discardableResult func zz_removeTap() -> Self
     ///  移除渐变层
    func zz_removeGradient()
    /// 添加一个渐变层  通过KVO监听父试图Frame变化自动改变渐变层Layer的大小
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - colors: 颜色组
    ///   - startPoint: 开始位置x,y 在 0~1 之间
    ///   - endPoint: 结束位置x,y  在 0~1 之间
    ///   - locations: 渐变不同颜色位置 对应颜色组 0~1之间
    @discardableResult func zz_addGradient(colors: [Any]?, start startPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0.5), end endPoint:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0.5), locations: [NSNumber] = [0, 1]) -> CAGradientLayer

    /// 添加一个渐变层  通过KVO监听父试图Frame变化自动改变渐变层Layer的大小, 在
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fColor: 开始颜色
    ///   - toColor: 结束颜色
    ///   - startPoint: 开始位置x,y 在 0~1 之间
    ///   - endPoint: 结束位置x,y  在 0~1 之间
    ///   - locations: 渐变不同颜色位置 对应颜色组 0~1之间
    @discardableResult func zz_addGradient(form fColor: UIColor,to toColor: UIColor,start startPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0.5), end endPoint:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0.5), locations: [NSNumber] = [0, 1]) -> CAGradientLayer
    /// 圆角
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - corners: 需要实现为圆角的角
    ///   - radii: 圆角半径
    @discardableResult func zz_round(_ corners: UIRectCorner, radii: CGFloat) -> Self


     /// NavigationController BackgroundImage
    var zz_navBarBgImg: UIImage? 
    /// Set NavigationController BackgroundImage
    @discardableResult func zz_navBarBgImg(_ img: UIImage?) -> Self
    /// NavigationController ShadowImage
    var zz_shadowImag: UIImage?
    /// Set NavigationController ShadowImage
    @discardableResult func zz_shadowImag(_ img: UIImage?) -> Self
    /// NavigationController ShadowImage
    var zz_titleColor: UIColor?
    /// Set NavigationController ShadowImage
    @discardableResult func zz_titleColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> Self
    /// NavigationController TitleText Font
    var zz_titleFont: UIFont?
    /// Set NavigationController TitleText Font
    @discardableResult func zz_titleFont(_ font: UIFont?) -> Self



    static let zz_max = CGFloat(MAXFLOAT)


    init(_ value: CGFloat)
    init(zz_x: CGFloat = 0, zz_y: CGFloat = 0)
    var zz_x : CGFloat
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_x(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_y : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_y(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    static func += (left:inout CGPoint, right: CGPoint)

    static func -= (left:inout CGPoint, right: CGPoint)

    static func + (left:CGPoint, right: CGPoint) -> CGPoint

    static func - (left:CGPoint, right: CGPoint) -> CGPoint


    init(zz_x: CGFloat = 0, zz_y: CGFloat = 0, zz_w: CGFloat = 0, zz_h: CGFloat = 0) 
    var zz_x : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_x(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self{
    var zz_y : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_y(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_width : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_width(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_height : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_height(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self

    static func += (left:inout CGRect, right: CGRect)
    static func -= (left:inout CGRect, right: CGRect)
    static func + (left:CGRect, right: CGRect) -> CGRect
    static func - (left:CGRect, right: CGRect) -> CGRect


    init(_ value: CGFloat)
    init(zz_w width: CGFloat = 0, zz_h height: CGFloat = 0) 
    var zz_width : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_width(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_height : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_height(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self

    static func += (left:inout CGSize, right: CGSize)
    static func -= (left:inout CGSize, right: CGSize)
    static func + (left:CGSize, right: CGSize) -> CGSize
    static func - (left:CGSize, right: CGSize) -> CGSize


    init(zz_top: CGFloat = 0, zz_left: CGFloat = 0, zz_bottom: CGFloat = 0, zz_right: CGFloat = 0) 
    var zz_top : CGFloat
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_top(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_left : CGFloat
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_left(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_bottom : CGFloat 
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_bottom(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
    var zz_right : CGFloat
    @discardableResult mutating func zz_right(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self

    static func += (left:inout UIEdgeInsets, right: UIEdgeInsets)
    static func -= (left:inout UIEdgeInsets, right: UIEdgeInsets)
    static func + (left: UIEdgeInsets, right: UIEdgeInsets) -> UIEdgeInsets
    static func - (left: UIEdgeInsets, right: UIEdgeInsets) -> UIEdgeInsets


    public struct Directory: Equatable {
        public var rawValue: String

        public init(rawValue: String) {
            self.rawValue = rawValue
        public static let documents = Directory(rawValue: "/Documents")
        public static let library = Directory(rawValue: "/Library")
        public static let caches = Directory(rawValue: "/Library/Caches")
        public static let temp = Directory(rawValue: "/tmp")
        public static let bundle = Directory(rawValue: "/bundle")
    /// 获取文件夹路径
    /// - Parameter directory: 文件夹类型(当bundle时 为空)
    /// - Returns: 文件夹路径
    public static func path(for directory: Directory, intermediates: String = "") -> String
    /// 获取文件路径
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - directory: 文件夹类型
    ///   - intermediates: 中间路径
    ///   - filename: 文件名(带后缀;如:xxx.png)
    /// - Returns: 文件路径
    public static func filePath(for directory: Directory, intermediates: String = "", filename: String) -> String

    /// 创建文件
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - directory: 文件主路径
    ///   - folderName: 文件路径
    ///   - intermediates: 是否创建中间目录
    ///   - attributes: 属性
    /// - Returns: 是否创建成功
    static func create(directory: Directory, folderName: String, intermediates: Bool = true, attributes: [FileAttributeKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool
    /// 写入文件
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - filePath: 文件路径
    ///   - content: 内容
    ///   - options: 默认先创建一个临时文件,直到文件内容写入成功再导入到目标文件里。 如果为NO,则直接写入目标文件里。
    /// - Returns: 是否成功
    static func write(to filePath: String, content: Data, options: Data.WritingOptions = []) -> Bool

    /// 读取文件内容
    /// - Parameter filePath: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 内容 Data
    static func read(_ filePath: String) -> Data? 

    /// 删除文件
    /// - Parameter filePath: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 是否删除成功
    static func delete(_ filePath: String) -> Bool

    /// 重命名文件
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fromPath: 文件原始路径
    ///   - toPath: 文件新路径
    /// - Returns: 是否重命名文件成功
    static func rename(from fromPath: String, to toPath: String) -> Bool

    /// 移动文件
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fromPath: 文件原始路径
    ///   - toPath: 文件新路径
    /// - Returns: 是否移动文件成功
    static func move(from fromPath: String, to toPath: String) -> Bool

    /// 拷贝文件
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - fromPath: 文件原始路径
    ///   - toPath: 文件新路径
    /// - Returns: 是否拷贝文件成功
    static func copy(from fromPath: String, to toPath: String) -> Bool

    /// 文件是否可写
    /// - Parameter path: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 是否可写
    static func isWritable(at path: String) -> Bool

    /// 文件是否可读
    /// - Parameter path: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 是否可读
    static func isReadable(at path: String) -> Bool

    /// 文件是否存在
    /// - Parameter path: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 是否存在
    static func exists(path: String) -> Bool {
        return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)
    /// 文件是否存在
    /// - Parameter url: 文件路径
    /// - Returns: 是否存在
    static func exists(url: URL) -> Bool
    /// 获取文件列表
    /// - Parameter folderPath: 文件夹路径
    /// - Returns: 文件列表
    static func filePathList(folderPath: String) -> [String]


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.




ZZBase is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ZZBase'

Swift Package

Add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/CZ410/ZZBase.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.2.0"))


CzzBoom, [email protected]


ZZBase is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.