ZRAlertController 2.3.3

ZRAlertController 2.3.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2016

Maintained by Victor Zhang.

  • By
  • Victor Zhang

A delightful alert view framework that being compatible with iOS 7.0 and later. It has the version both Objective-C and Swift.

Usage of first style

[[ZRAlertController defaultAlert] alertShowWithTitle:@"Note" message:@"This is an empty message!" okayButton:@"Ok"];

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Usage of second style

[[ZRAlertController defaultAlert] alertShowWithTitle:@"Note" message:@"This is an empty message!" cancelButton:@"Cancel" okayButton:@"Ok" okayHandler:^{
    NSLog(@"You clicked the okay button.");
} cancelHandler:^{
    NSLog(@"You clicked the cancel button.");

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Usage of third style

[[ZRAlertController defaultAlert] alertShowWithTitle:@"Note" message:@"This is an explanation message!" cancelButton:@"Cancel" okayButton:@"Okay" alertStyle:ZRAlertStyleSecureTextInput placeHolder:@"Type any character" okayHandler:^(UITextField *textFiled) {
    NSLog(@"Your input of textFiled is %@.", textFiled.text);
} cancelHandler:^(UITextField *textFiled) {
    NSLog(@"Your input of textFiled is %@.", textFiled.text);

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Usage of fourth style

[[ZRAlertController defaultAlert] alertShowWithTitle:@"Note" 
                                  message:@"This is an explanation message!" 
                                  cancelButton:@"Cancel" okayButton:@"Ok" 
                                  placeHolder1:@"Type an account" 
                                  placeHolder2:@"Type a passcode" 
                                  sureHandler:^(UITextField *textFiled1, UITextField *textFiled2) {
    NSLog(@"Your input of Sure textFiled1.text = %@, textFiled2.text = %@. ", textFiled1.text, textFiled2.text);
} abolishHandler:^(UITextField *textFiled1, UITextField *textFiled2) {
    NSLog(@"Your input of Abolish textFiled1.text = %@, textFiled2.text = %@. ", textFiled1.text, textFiled2.text);

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Usage of first style action sheet

[[ZRAlertController defaultAlert] actionViewWithTitle:nil cancel:@"cancel" others:@[@"aaa",@"bbb",@"ccc"] handler:^(int index, NSString * _Nonnull item) {
    NSLog(@"index = %d, item = %@. ", index, item);

Effect Photo

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