TestsTested | ✓ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Jun 2016 |
Maintained by Francis Chong.
Depends on: | |
YapDatabase | >= 2.8.3 |
AutoCoding | ~> 2.2 |
libextobjc | >= 0 |
YapModel is a DSL for working with YapDatabase. The syntax is borrowed from Ruby on Rails and inspired by ObjectiveRecord.
You'll need to understand how YapDatabase works before using this library.
Define your class with DSL:
@interface Car : YapModelObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger year;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat price;
// create an index named "CarYearIndex"
@index(Car, CarYearIndex, @"year": @(YapDatabaseSecondaryIndexTypeInteger));
// create a view named "CarByYear"
@view(Car, CarByYear, @"group": @"year", @"sort": @"year");
// create relationships
@hasMany(Driver, carsKey, cars, YDB_DeleteDestinationIfSourceDeleted);
And when the app initialize, setup the database:
YapDatabase* database = ... // create the database
[YapModel setupDatabase:database];
[connection readWriteTransaction:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction* transaction){
Person* john = [Person create];
john.name = @"John";
[john saveWithTransaction:transaction];
[john deleteWithTransaction:transaction];
[Person create:@{
@"name": @"John",
@"age": @12,
@"member": @NO
} withTransaction:transaction];
[connection readWriteTransaction:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction* transaction){
// Find all objects
NSArray* people = [Person allWithTransaction:transaction];
// Get an object by key
Person* john = [Person find:@"uuid" withTransaction:transaction];
// Iterate with all objects and find the object matching the filter
NSArray* people = [Person where:^BOOL(Person* person) {
return person.age < 30;
} withTransaction:transaction];
// Find using Secondary Index
Person *johnDoe = [Person findWithIndex:@"idx"
query:[YapDatabaseQuery queryWithFormat:@"WHERE name == ? AND surname == ?", @"John", @"Doe"]
[connection readWriteTransaction:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction* transaction){
// count all Person entities
NSUInteger personCount = [Person countWithTransaction:transaction];
// count people named John
NSUInteger johnCount = [Person countWithIndex:@"index"
query:[YapDatabaseQuery queryWithFormat:@"WHERE name = 'John'"]
Create simple index:
@interface Car : YapModelObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat price;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger year;
// text index
@indexText(Car, CarNameIndex, @"name");
// integer index
@indexInteger(Car, CarAgeIndex, @"year");
// real number index
@indexReal(Car, CarPriceIndex, @"price");
// index with multiple fields
@indexInteger(Car, CarAgeMemberIndex, @"year", @"price");
// index with multiple fields and type
@index(Car, CarAgePriceIndex, @"year": @(YapDatabaseSecondaryIndexTypeInteger), @"price": @(YapDatabaseSecondaryIndexTypeReal));
Create simple view:
@interface Car : YapModelObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat price;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger year;
// define a view by grouping and sorting using name
@view(Car, CarByName, @"group": @"name", @"sort": @"name");
// or you can use multiple sorting / grouping fields
@view(Car, CarByYear, @"group": @[@"year"], @"sort": @[@"year", @"name"]);
Configure relationship:
@interface Driver : YapModelObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* name;
// Has many.
// Add a NSArray* property "cars", and setup yapDatabaseRelationshipEdges to return proper edges
@hasMany(Driver, carsKey, cars, YDB_DeleteDestinationIfSourceDeleted);
// Has one.
// add a NSString* property "companyKey", and setup yapDatabaseRelationshipEdges to return proper edges
@hasOne(Driver, licenseKey, license, YDB_DeleteDestinationIfSourceDeleted);
// Belongs to
// add a NSString* property "companyKey", and setup yapDatabaseRelationshipEdges to return proper edges
@belongsTo(Driver, companyKey, company, YDB_DeleteDestinationIfSourceDeleted);
// Has one file
// add a NSString* property "pictureFilePath", and setup yapDatabaseRelationshipEdges to return proper edges
@hasOneFile(Driver, pictureFilePath, picture, YDB_DeleteDestinationIfSourceDeleted);
YapModel include AutoCoding for automatic NSCoding. This should just work but you should check AutoCoding to understand how it work, and override the NSCoding/NSCopying methods if needed.
MIT License.