YYBottomSheet 1.4.0

YYBottomSheet 1.4.0

Maintained by DevYeom.

  • By
  • DevYeom


Swift Version SwiftPM License Platform


When you need to let users choose one of several or know informations by showing bottomSheet, you can use YYBottomSheet. Simple And Clear 😎


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


To create and show a bottomSheet, first of all, import the module at the beginning of the file:

import YYBottomSheet

First of all, you can show the bottomUpTable as below:

let bottomUpTable = YYBottomSheet.init(bottomUpTableTitle: title, dataArray: dataArray, options: nil) { cell in
    // whatever you want to code
    // print("\(cell.indexPath.row) : \(cell.titleLabel.text)")


And button handler (SelectHandler) is just a lambda:

(YYBottomSheetCell) -> ()

Second, you can show the simpleToast as below:

let message = "Hello World!"
let simpleToast = YYBottomSheet.init(simpleToastMessage: message, options: nil)


You can customize several things by setting options as below:


option example
allowTouchOutsideToDismiss false
backgroundAlpha 0.3
tableViewHeight 200
tableRowHeight 50
tableViewCellLabelTextColor UIColor.blue
tableViewSeperatorStyle UITableViewCell.SeparatorStyle.none
tableViewBackgroundColor UIColor.white
headerViewBackgroundColor UIColor.yellow
headerViewTitleLabelTextColor UIColor.red


option example
showDuration 2.0
backgroundColor UIColor.black
beginningAlpha 0.8
messageFont UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 15)
messageColor UIColor.white

Check full example as below:

* BottomUpTable
let title = "Fruits"
let dataArray = ["apple", "grape", "watermelon", "banana", "strawberry", "cherry", "pineapple", "pear"]
let options: [YYBottomSheet.BottomUpTableOptions:Any] = [
    .allowTouchOutsideToDismiss: true,
    .backgroundAlpha: 0.5,
    .tableViewHeight: 200,
    .tableRowHeight: 50,
    .tableViewSeperatorStyle: UITableViewCell.SeparatorStyle.none

let bottomUpTable = YYBottomSheet.init(bottomUpTableTitle: title, dataArray: dataArray, options: options) { cell in
    self.selectedFruitLabel.text = cell.titleLabel.text


* SimpleToast
let options: [YYBottomSheet.SimpleToastOptions:Any] = [
    .showDuration: 2.0,
    .backgroundColor: UIColor.black,
    .beginningAlpha: 0.8,
    .messageFont: UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 15),
    .messageColor: UIColor.white

let message = "SimpleToast can be customized!"
let simpleToast = YYBottomSheet.init(simpleToastMessage: message, options: options)



YYBottomSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'YYBottomSheet'


DevYeom, [email protected]


YYBottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.