YUSegment 1.0.1

YUSegment 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2017

Maintained by afishhhhh.

YUSegment 1.0.1

  • By
  • afishhhhh


A customizable segmented control for iOS.



  • Supports both (Attributed)text and image
  • Has two styles(linear and rectangular) to choose
  • Supports horizontal scrolling
  • Supports customize font and color
  • YUSegment works on iOS 8.0+ and is compatible with ARC projects


Creating a YUSegment Programmatically (Recommended)

NSArray *titles = @[@"Left", @"Medium", @"Right"];
YUSegment *segment = [[YUSegment alloc] initWithTitles:titles];
[self.view addSubview:segment];
segment.frame = (CGRect){20, 60, [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width - 40, 44};

Creating a YUSegment Using a Storyboard

  1. In the Object Library, select the "UIView" object and drag it into the view.
  2. Change the position and size of the view.


  3. In the Identify Inspector, change the class to "YUSegment". Then connect outlet.


    @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet YUSegment *segment;
  4. You could modify some properties in Attributes Inspector.


More details in YUSegmentDemo.



Similar to UISegmentedControl, you just need the following code:

[segment addTarget:self action:@selector(someMethod) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];


The image is the same by default, no matter whether the image selected. If you want to show different image when a specific segment selected, you should call -replaceDeselectedImagesWithImages: or -replaceDeselectedImageWithImage:atIndex:.

Attributed Text

You should use -setTitleTextAttributes:forState: to set attributed string. For example:

NSDictionary *attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20]};
[segment setTitleTextAttributes:attributes forState:YUSegmentedControlStateNormal];


You could set borderColor, borderWidth, and cornerRadius in Attributes Inspector. If you don't use interface builder, the code should look like this:

segment.layer.borderWidth = someValue;
segment.layer.borderColor = someValue;

Note: You should use cornerRadius instead of layer.cornerRadius. Because if you set cornerRaduis for segmented control, the indicator will become rounded automatically. Note: About cornerRadius. Both segmented control and its indicator have default value of cornerRadius. The default value is equal to half the height of the segmented control. In version 0.2.0, the indicator will not become rounded automatically if you just set cornerRaduis of the segmented control. You also need to set cornerRadius for indicator manually.

Scrolling Enabled

YUSegment don't have property look like scrollEnabled, you just need to set the width of each segment(segmentWidth). This property will make the segmented control scroll horizontally.

New Features

Version 0.1.4:
  • Supports chainable syntax. You could set borderWidth and borderColor for segmented control look like:
sgement.borderWidth(1.0).borderColor([UIColor redColor]);
Version 0.2.0:
  • Exposes property indicator(readonly), you could set attributes for indicator such as backgroundColor, borderWidth, borderColor, etc.
segment.indicator.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
segment.indicator.layer.borderWidth = 1.0;
segment.indicator.layer.borderColor = [UIColor redColor].CGColor;
  • Supports chainable syntax. You could set borderWidth and borderColor for indicator look like:
segment.indicator.borderWidth(1.0).borderColor([UIColor redColor]);


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.