XeeSDK 4.1.3

XeeSDK 4.1.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Unknown
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2018
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jean-Baptiste Dujardin, Julien Cholin, Oscar Rezoloco.

XeeSDK 4.1.3


Version License Platform

This SDK make easier the usage of Xee API on iOS devices. It is written in Swift


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


This SDK works for iOS with a version >= 8.0


XeeSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'XeeSDK'

and launch command

pod install


Create an application on our developer space to get credentials, see how to create an app

In your AppDelegate, import the SDK

import XeeSDK

next, in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, create a XeeConfig object with all the informations of your app, then give it to the ConnectManager singleton :

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    let xeeConfig = XeeConfig(withClientID: "<App Client ID>",
        SecretKet: "<App Secret Key>",
        Scopes: ["<App Scope list>"],
        RedirectURI: "<App Redirect URI>",
        Environment: <App Environment>)
    XeeConnectManager.shared.config = xeeConfig
    return true

Example :

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    let xeeConfig = XeeConfig(withClientID: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        SecretKet: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        Scopes: ["account.read", "vehicles.read", "vehicles.signals.read", "vehicles.locations.read", "vehicles.trips.read"],
        RedirectURI: "xee-sdk-example://app",
        Environment: .XeeEnvironmentCLOUD)
    XeeConnectManager.shared.config = xeeConfig
    return true

then add this line in the open url method:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    XeeConnectManager.shared.openURL(URL: url)
    return true

Don't forget to add the redirectURI in your URL Schemes ("xee-sdk-example", in this example) :

alt text

You're ready !

Note that we'll keep this SDK up to date to provide you all the endpoints availables on the 4th version of the API


Create an account

Add the XeeConnectManagerDelegate protocol to your view controller

Call the connect method of the connectManager singleton when you want the user create an account.

XeeConnectManager.shared.delegate = self

Authenticate the user

Add the XeeConnectManagerDelegate protocol to your view controller

Call the connect method of the connectManager singleton when you want the user logs in order to get a valid access token.

XeeConnectManager.shared.delegate = self

Disconnect the user

Add the XeeConnectManagerDelegate protocol to your view controller

Call the disconnect method of the connectManager singleton when you want the user disconnect.

XeeConnectManager.shared.delegate = self


Four cases:

extension YourViewController : XeeConnectManagerDelegate {
    func didSuccess(token: XeeToken) {
        // Success
    func didFail(WithError error: Error) {
        // Fail
    func didCancel() {
        // Cancel
    func didDisconnected() {
        // Disconnected

If there is no access token or if it's not valid, the SDK will open safari inside the application in order to authenticate with OAuth2. Once safari call back your app, the didSuccess method will be called.


Everything about your vehicles

Associate vehicle

Set a vehicle for an user with a specified device_id and pin code

XeeRequestManager.shared.associateVehicle(WithXeeConnectId: <XeeConnect ID>, PinCode: <Pin Code>, completionHandler: { (error, vehicle) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve users's vehicles

Returns vehicles corresponding to specified user id

XeeRequestManager.shared.getVehicles(WithUserID: <User ID or nil for "me">, completionHandler: { (error, vehicules) in
    // Your code here

Disassociate vehicle

Delete the pairing between a vehicle and a device


Retrieve vehicle

Returns a vehicle corresponding to specified id

XeeRequestManager.shared.getVehicle(WithVehicleID: <Vehicle ID>, completionHandler: { (error, vehicule) in
    // Your code here

Update vehicle

Update a vehicle with a specified ID

XeeRequestManager.shared.updateVehicle(WithVehicle: <XeeVehicle object>, completionHandler: { (error, vehicle) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve vehicle status

Returns the vehicle status of the vehicle

XeeRequestManager.shared.getStatus(WithVehicleID: <Vehicle ID>, completionHandler: { (error, status) in
    // Your code here


Access to your profile

Retrieve an user

Returns a user corresponding to specified id, me is the current user

XeeRequestManager.shared.getUser(WithUserID: <User ID or nil for "me">, completionHandler: { (error, user) in
    // Your code here

Update an user

Update an user with a specified ID

XeeRequestManager.shared.updateUser(WithUser: <XeeUser object>, completionHandler: { (error, user) in
    // Your code here


Signals of Vehicles (CAN signals, GPS and Accelerometer)

Retrieve accelerometers

Retrieves the accelerometers data of a vehicle in a given date range


Retrieves device data

Retrieves the device data of a vehicle in a given time range


Retrieve locations

Retrieves the locations of a vehicle in a given date range


Retrieve signals

Retrieves signals for a vehicle in a given date range



Operations about privacies

Stop a privacy

Stop an existing privacy session

XeeRequestManager.shared.stopPrivacy(ForVPrivacyID: <Privacy ID>, completionHandler: { (error, privacy) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve privacies

Returns vehicles privacies between 2 dates inclusive

XeeRequestManager.shared.getPrivacies(ForVehicleID: <Vdehicle ID>, From: <Date or nil>, To: <Date or nil>, Limit: <Int or nil>, completionHandler: { (error, privacies) in
    // Your code here

Creates a new privacy

Creates a new privacy session on this vehicle

XeeRequestManager.shared.startPrivacy(ForVehicleID: <Vehicle ID>, completionHandler: { (error, privacy) in
    // Your code here


Access to the trips of the vehicles

Retrieve trip

Returns trip corresponding to specified trip id

XeeRequestManager.shared.getTrip(WithTripID: <Trip ID>, completionHandler: { (error, trip) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve trip locations

Returns trips locations by redirecting to the signals api with the good date range

XeeRequestManager.shared.getLocations(WithTripID: <Trip ID>, completionHandler: { (error, locations) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve trip signals

Returns trips signals by redirecting to the signals api with the good date range

XeeRequestManager.shared.getSignals(WithTripID: <Trip ID>, completionHandler: { (error, signals) in
    // Your code here

Retrieve vehicle trips

Returns trips corresponding to specified vehicle id. Request by date is inclusive. For example if a trip starts from 15:00 and ends at 16:00. A request from 15:15 to 15:45 will return this trip.

XeeRequestManager.shared.getTrips(WithVehicleID: <Vehicle ID>, completionHandler: { (error, trips) in
    // Your code here


Manage oAuth authorizations

Revoke authorization

Revokes the specified authorization


Retrieve users's authorizations

Returns authorizations corresponding to specified user id



We're working hard to provide you an issue free SDK, but we're just humans so we can do mistakes.

If you find something, feel free to fill an issue or/and fork the repository to fix it !


Xee, [email protected]


XeeSDK is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.