XCServerCoreData 5.6.0

XCServerCoreData 5.6.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Richard Piazza.

Depends on:
CodeQuickKit~> 6.4
XCServerAPI~> 5.0


Version Platform

An CoreData Storage framework for working with Xcode Server. Depends on the XCServerAPI project for interacting with the API.


Provided the main interaction with the XCServerCoreData framework. Using all defaults:

// Reference the MOC
let moc = XCServerCoreData.sharedInstance.managedObjectContext

// Create a server reference
guard let server = XcodeServer(managedObjectContext: moc, fqdn: "test.example.com") else {

// Retrieve the bots
XCServerCoreData.syncBots(forXcodeServer: server, completion: { (error) in
    if let e = error {
        // Handle the error
    // Perform post sync actions; A save() will have been performed on the MOC.

Other methods for the XcodeServer entity include:

XCServerCoreData.ping(xcodeServer:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncVersionData(xcodeServer:, completion:)

Methods for the Bot entity include:

XCServerCoreData.syncBot(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncStats(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.triggerIntegration(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncIntegrations(bot:, completion:)

Methods for the Integration entity include:

XCServerCoreData.syncIntegration(integration:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncCommits(forIntegration:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncIssues(forIntegration:, completion:)