XBToolkit 2.1

XBToolkit 2.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2015

Maintained by viteinfinite.

Depends on:
Underscore.m~> 0.2.1
AFNetworking~> 2.5.1
Mantle~> 1.5.4

  • By
  • Alexis Kinsella, Simone Civetta and Xebia IT Architects


XBToolkit is a framework that provides a fast and highly customizable way to retrieve and deserialize JSON sources. It mainly relies on AFNetworking for the network layer and Mantle for the deserialization layer.


XBToolkit can be installed through CocoaPods or by including the source files into your project.

If you use Cocoapods, please install XBToolkit by appending to your Podfile the following line :

pod XBToolkit


Here are short examples showing how to map a remote object in JSON representation onto a local instance of a class:

Deserializing a remote JSON array

// 1. Create an HTTP client:
id httpClient = [XBHttpClient httpClientWithBaseUrl:@"http://myfancyblog.com"];

// 2. Instantiate an dataMapper, allowing the response to be deserialized to a given class (e.g. WPAuthor):
XBJsonToArrayDataMapper *dataMapper = [XBJsonToArrayDataMapper mapperWithRootKeyPath:@"authors" typeClass:[WPAuthor class]];

// 3. Instantiate an dataLoader from your HTTP client and a given resourcePath:
XBHttpJsonDataLoader *dataLoader = [XBHttpJsonDataLoader dataLoaderWithHttpClient:httpClient resourcePath:@"/wp-json-api/get_author_index/" dataMapper:dataMapper];

// 4. Create the data source from the dataLoader and the dataMapper:
XBReloadableArrayDataSource *dataSource = [XBReloadableArrayDataSource dataSourceWithDataLoader:dataLoader];

// 5. Load the data:
[dataSource loadData:^(id operation) {
    NSLog(@"%@", dataSource.array.count); // Will output the number of authors of myfancyblog.com

Deserializing a remote JSON object

// 1. Create an HTTP client:
id httpClient = [XBHttpClient httpClientWithBaseUrl:@"http://myfancyblog.com"];

// 2. Instantiate an dataMapper, allowing the response to be deserialized to a given class (e.g. WPPost):
XBJsonToObjectDataMapper *dataMapper = [XBJsonToObjectDataMapper mapperWithRootKeyPath:@"post" typeClass:[WPPost class]];

// 3. Instantiate an dataLoader from your HTTP client and a given resourcePath:
XBHttpJsonDataLoader *dataLoader = [XBHttpJsonDataLoader dataLoaderWithHttpClient:httpClient resourcePath:@"/wp-json-api/get_post/?slug=xbtoolkit-is-so-sweet" dataMapper:dataMapper];

// 4. Create the data source from the dataLoader and the dataMapper:
XBReloadableObjectDataSource *dataSource = [XBReloadableObjectDataSource dataSourceWithDataLoader:dataLoader];

// 5. Load the data:
[dataSource loadData:^(id operation) {
    NSLog(@"%@", dataSource.object.slug); // Prints "my-great-post"

How to deserialize to a specific a data model

A class representing your data model should subclass MTLModel and define all the properties that our object contains. For instance, let's suppose we have the following JSON object:

    "status": "ok",
    "post": {
        "id": 14332,
        "type": "post",
        "slug": "xbtoolkit-is-nice",
        "url": "http:\/\/myfancyblog.com\/2013\/05\/30\/xbtoolkit-is-cool\/",
        "status": "publish",
        "title": "XBToolkit is nice",
        "title_plain": "XBToolkit is nice",
        "content": "XBToolkit is nice"

If we want to deserialize this object to a WPPost class, what we'll have o do is to create a WPPost class coded as follows:

// WPPost.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Mantle/Mantle.h>

@interface WPPost : MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *identifier;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *type;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *slug;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *url;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *status;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *title;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *title_plain;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *content;

// WPPost.m

#import "WPPost.h"

@implementation WPPost

+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
    return nil;


The class method mappings must contain the configuration specific to the class. Since XBToolkit relies on Mantle for the mapping of an object, you could find more detailed information on the mapping configuration in the project's readme page.

Tearing to pieces

HTTP Client

The httpClient (XBHttpClient) is responsible of establishing an HTTP connection with a remote source.

Data loader

The dataLoader object is responsible for retrieving data from the source. Convenience subclasses are included in XBToolkit in order to provide the most common data loaders. These include:

  • XBHttpJsonDataLoader: provides a data loader which retrieves its data from a remote JSON resource. An instance of XBHttpLoader can be created through the following factory:
+ (XBHttpJsonDataLoader *)dataLoaderWithHttpClient:(XBHttpClient *)httpClient resourcePath:(NSString *)path

Data mapper

The dataMapper object allows the mapping of a resource into a local data model by the means of what described in the section Deserializing to a specific a data model. Convenience subclasses shipped in the framework include:

  • XBJsonToObjectDataMapper: converts a JSON object to a local instance.
  • XBJsonToArrayDataMapper: converts a JSON array to a local NSArray.

Data source

The dataSource provides a managed access to an instance of an object. The following dataSources are bundled in XBToolkit:

  • XBObjectDataSource: The simplest form of a dataSource, it is basically a wrapper around an object.
  • XBReloadableObjectDataSource: a class providing the capability of reloading the object wrapped by the dataSource. This make sense for all the reloadable object data sources that are created from a dataLoader and a dataMapper. An object of this class can be instantiated as follows:
+ (XBReloadableObjectDataSource *)dataSourceWithDataLoader:(XBDataSource *)dataSource dataMapper:(XBDataMapper *)dataMapper;
  • XBArrayDataSource: XBArrayDataSource provides array-like methods for accessing an ordered list of elements.
  • XBReloadableArrayDataSource: a class providing the capability of reloading the elements contained in a dataSource. This make sense for the data sources that are created from a dataLoader and a dataMapper. An object of this class can be instantiated as follows:
+ (XBReloadableArrayDataSource *)dataSourceWithDataLoader:(XBDataSource *)dataSource dataMapper:(XBDataMapper *)dataMapper;



  • Alexis Kinsella (akinsella) - Xebia IT Architects
  • Simone Civetta (viteinfinite) - Xebia IT Architects


Apache License, Version 2.0