Wordy 1.4

Wordy 1.4

Maintained by Igor Matyushkin.

Wordy 1.4


At a Glance

Wordy is a powerful text processor that provides an easy way to manage content in String object.

How To Get Started

  • Copy content of Source folder to your project.


  • Use Wordy cocoapod


  • iOS 9 and later
  • Xcode 9 and later
  • Swift 4.1


Everything starts with Wordy class. This is your entry point to all tools provided by the library.

Text Effects

Let's start with a very simple example of text effect:

let filteredText = Wordy.effects(for: "Hi!")
    .apply(effect: InversionEffect())

print(filteredText) // "!iH"

This is how it works: Wordy.effects(for: _) gives you an EffectManager instance configured for your source text. Then, you can apply some effects and retrieve the final text by .result call.

In the example above, the InversionEffect will be applied to the entire string. The same time, you can apply effect to a particular substring:

let filteredText = Wordy.effects(for: "Hi!")
    .apply(effect: InversionEffect(), startIndex: 0, endIndex: 1)

print(filteredText) // "iH!"

You can add as many effects as you want:

let filteredText = Wordy.effects(for: "This text will be rotated")
    .apply(effect: RotationEffect(rotation: .inverted))
    .apply(effect: InversionEffect())

print(filteredText) // "рǝʇɐʇоɹ ǝq llıм ʇxǝʇ sıɥʇ"

Case Effect

Represented by CaseEffect class. Changes case for the entire text or letters at particular positions.

Constructor example:

CaseEffect(textCase: .firstUpperNextLower)

TextCase is the only setting that defines CaseEffect's behavior.

Rotation Effect

Represented by RotationEffect class. Rotates letters. For example,

p becomes d


h becomes ɥ.

RotationEffect has two available constructors. The most detailed version of constructor:

RotationEffect(rotation: .inverted, caseSensitive: true)

The first parameter is a TextRotation value that defines the way to rotate symbols.

The second parameter of boolean type defines whether the rotation alrorithm should be case sensitive. If it equals to false, some uppercased symbols might become lowercased as a result of rotation.

The second constructor is a simplified version of the first one:

RotationEffect(rotation: .inverted)

It's case sensitive by default. Usually, it's enough to use the second constructor excepting cases when you need more flexibility.

Inversion Effect

Represented by InversionEffect class. Flips text from right to left, so


turns into


InversionEffect's constructor is very simple and doesn't require any parameters:



Example of transliteration:

let transliteratedText = Wordy.transliterate(from: .russian, to: .english)
    .result(for: "Привет!")

print(transliteratedText) // "Privet!", which means "Hi!"

Currently supported languages are:

  • English
  • Russian


Text Case

TextCase is used as a setting for CaseEffect instance. Available values are:

  • allUpper - Makes the entire text uppercased.
  • allLower - Makes the entire text lowercased.
  • firstUpperNextLower - The first symbol is uppercased, other text is lowercased.
  • firstLowerNextUpper - The first symbol is lowercased, other text is uppercased.
  • alternating(firstUppercased: Bool): If firstUppercased is true, odd symbols are uppercased, even symbols are lowercased. Otherwise, odd symbols are lowercased, even symbols are uppercased.

Text Rotation

TextRotation defines the conditions of symbol rotation. Available values:

  • normal: Forces all symbols to be rotated to normal position. It means that ʎ would become y and h would stay h.
  • upsideDown: Forces all symbols to be rotated upside down. In this case, y would turn into ʎ, but ɥ wouldn't change at all.
  • inverted: Normal symbols are forced to be rotated meanwhile rotated symbols become normal. So, y becomes ʎ and ɥ turns into h.


The Language type is used for transliterations. Possible values:

  • english
  • russian


You can extend the functionality of Wordy without making changes to the library. Instead of sending pull request, simply create your own plugin.

Each plugin is a subclass of the class named Plugin. Take a look at the example below:

class Repeat: Plugin {

    override func result() -> String {
        return self.sourceText
            + self.sourceText

This is a plugin that repeats the source text two times. All that you need to implement is the result() method that returns String with filtered text. It is the core of your plugin's implementation where you should put the logic. To access the source text, simply use self.sourceText.

Now let's try to use the plugin:

let repeatedText = Wordy.plugin(Repeat.self, for: "Test.")

print(repeatedText) // "Test.Test."

As you can see, creating and using plugins for Wordy is quite easy. You can publish your plugins as separate library or send as a pull request if you want it to be included in the library after reviewal process.


Wordy is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.