WisdomKeyboardKing 0.4.3

WisdomKeyboardKing 0.4.3

Maintained by “tangjianfeng”.

  • By
  • tangjianfeng


Intelligent keyboard manager: Intelligent keyboard manager, handles position determination of keyboard and UITextField, UITextView responses,Process text input and output format conversion

—————WisdomKeyboardKing: The first phase of Framework function—————

一:Swift SDK, complete compatible OC call

二:Keyboard popup, auto dodge UITextField, UITextView class controls Note: a large number of UITextField and UITextView on the same page can be avoided accurately.

三:Toggle input, the keyboard exactly avoids UITextField, UITextView class controls

四:UITextField, UITextView's evading distance from the keyboard, supports settable Spacing setting property: betweenKeyboardSpace There are spacing defaults: 10.0

五:UITextField, UITextView's wisdomTask task, ---------wisdomTask Analysis of the---------- *beginTasks: Callbacks when invoking the keyboard
*changeTasks: Callback when changing text content
*endTasks: A callback when the keyboard is closed or the corresponding object is replaced

       Note: closure callbacks are convenient to use instead of proxies, 
       and there is no need to implement tasks to pass nill

 Use case:
    *  view   :The parent view that does the move
    *  title  :Written content
    *  rect   :Frame is currently on the screen
   bottomField.wisdomTask(beginTasks: { (view, title, rect) in

    }, changeTasks: { (view, title, rect) in

    }) { (view, title, rect) in

六:Support number type processing display enum: public enum WisdomTextOutputMode { case normal case PhoneNumber11_4 case PhoneNumber11_3X4 case BankcardNumber16_4 case BankcardNumber19_4 }

Enumeration analysis (number delimited format display type) :
   PhoneNumber11_4:           1520 1218 189             (Restrictions on 11)
   PhoneNumber11_3X4:         152 0121 8189             (Restrictions on 11)
   BankcardNumber16_4:        1212 1212 1212 1212       (16-digit bank card number)
   BankcardNumber19_4:        1212 1212 1212 1212 121   (19-digit bank card number)

Use case:
    let textField = UITextField()
    textField.text = "15201218189"
    textField.textOutputMode = .PhoneNumber11_3X4
    (According to the results:152 0121 8189 )

Note: the WisdomTextOutputMode is set, the keyboard output type is mandatory digital output, 
     and the input process is displayed dynamically

七:Support processing display of expiration time (input time will be greater than current time) Application scenario: coupons and other date expiration tips are displayed

public enum WisdomInputTimeConvertType {
    case timestamp_10        //10位
    case timestamp_13        //13位        
    case input_joint        
    case input_N_Y_R_joint   

Enumeration analysis (raw data type for time processing) :
timestamp_10             //10位时间戳
timestamp_13             //13位时间戳
input_joint              //Text "-" splicing
input_N_Y_R_joint        //Text "year, month, day" are spliced together

 *  The expiration time type that needs to be supported for display
 *  需要支持显示的过期时间类型
 *  使用规则:  1.默认值: expiredTomorrow, expiredAfterTomorrow
 *            2.精确度越高,级别越高:  expiredToday_hour > expiredToday
 *                                 expiredTomorrow_hour > expiredTomorrow
 *                                 expiredAfterTomorrow_hour > expiredAfterTomorrow
 *            3.设置了高级别,会过滤低级别样式,低级别样式不再显示
 *            4.高级别,低级别同时显示,只安装高级别样式显示
 *            5.expiredToday 和 expiredToday_hour都不设置,“今天过期”不显示
@objc public enum WisdomExpiredTimeType: NSInteger {
   case expiredToday=0                 //今天过期
   case expiredToday_hour=1            //今天8点过期
   case expiredTomorrow=2              //明天过期
   case expiredTomorrow_hour=3         //明天8点过期
   case expiredAfterTomorrow=4         //后天过期
   case expiredAfterTomorrow_hour=5    //后天8点过期

Use case:
/**  Expiration time filter:  过期输出格式样式      [今天8点过期]   [明天过期]   [后天过期]
 *   timesText:                过期时间原始数据
 *   serverTimesText:          当前时间对比         (传nil默认与本地时间比对)
 *   type:                     输入处理的数据类型    (确认WisdomInputTimeConvertType)
 *   displayTypeList:          需要支持显示的过期时间类型数组,是WisdomExpiredTimeType类型数组
 *   expiredStr:               过期文字描述,传nill或者空,结尾默认拼接"过期"
 *   返回值:                    Bool: 是否过期     (true未过期,fales已经过期)
 public class func expiredTimeOutput(timesText: String,
                                    serverTimesText: String?,
                                    type: WisdomInputTimeConvertType,
                                    displayTypeList: [WisdomExpiredTimeType.RawValue],
                                    expiredStr: String?) ->(Bool,String) {
 @objc public class func oc_ExpiredTimeOutput(timesText: String,
                                             serverTimesText: String?,
                                             type: WisdomInputTimeConvertType,
                                             displayTypeList: [WisdomExpiredTimeType.RawValue],
                                             expiredStr: String?) ->(String){

 结果显示支持类型:1. 今天过期   今天8点过期  明天过期   明天8点过期   后天过期  后天8点过期
                2. swift 方法BOOL值表示是否过期

八:Support processing display of history time (input time is not greater than current time) Application scenario: chat history time prompt display

public enum WisdomInputTimeConvertType {
    case timestamp_10        //10位
    case timestamp_13        //13位        
    case input_joint        
    case input_N_Y_R_joint    

Enumeration analysis (raw data type for time processing) :
timestamp_10             //10位
timestamp_13             //13位 
input_joint              //Text "-" splicing
input_N_Y_R_joint        //Text "year, month, day" are spliced together

Use case::
 *   timesText:         Historical time raw data
 *   serverTimesText:   当前时间对比                 (不传默认与本地时间比对)
 *   type:              Input processing data types (WisdomInputTimeConvertType)
let timeStr =  WisdomTextOutput.historyTimeOutput(timesText: "1535557797", serverTimesText: nil, type: .timestamp)

The results show support types:    2017年08月12日 21:30      (非同年)
                                   09月12日 23:30            (同年)
                                   昨天 20:30                (昨天)
                                   上午 10:30,下午 13:30      (当天)



—————WisdomKeyboardKing 一期Framework功能,下面看一期7个功能—————---

一:Swift SDK,完成兼容OC调用

二:键盘弹出,自动避让UITextField,UITextView类控件 注:(同一个页面大量的UITextField与UITextView,可以准确避让)



  间距设置属性: betweenKeyboardSpace
  有间距默认值: 10.0

五:支持 UITextField,UITextView的wisdomTask任务,

  beginTasks:   唤起键盘时回调             
  changeTasks:  变化文字内容时回调                        
  endTasks:   关闭键盘或者更换相应对象时回调


  *  view     :做移动的父类视图
  *  title    :文字内容
  *  rect     :当前在屏幕中的frame
  bottomField.wisdomTask(beginTasks: { (view, title, rect) in
  }, changeTasks: { (view, title, rect) in
  }) { (view, title, rect) in


  public enum WisdomTextOutputMode {
     case normal
     case PhoneNumber11_4
     case PhoneNumber11_3X4
     case BankcardNumber16_4
     case BankcardNumber19_4

     PhoneNumber11_4:           1520 1218 189               (限制11位)
     PhoneNumber11_3X4:         152 0121 8189               (限制11位)
     BankcardNumber16_4:        1212 1212 1212 1212         (16位银行卡号)
     BankcardNumber19_4:        1212 1212 1212 1212 121     (19位银行卡号)

    let textField = UITextField()
    textField.text = "15201218189"
    textField.textOutputMode = .PhoneNumber11_3X4
    (显示结果:152 0121 8189 )


七:支持过期时间的处理显示(输入处理时间会大于当前时间) 应用场景:优惠券 和 活动 等日期过期提示显示

public enum WisdomInputTimeConvertType {
    case timestamp_10        //10位时间戳
    case timestamp_13        //13位时间戳       
    case input_joint        
    case input_N_Y_R_joint   

    timestamp_10=0         //10位时间戳
    timestamp_13=1         //13位时间戳
    input_joint            //"-"拼接
    input_N_Y_R_joint      //"年,月,日"拼接
 *  The expiration time type that needs to be supported for display
 *  需要支持显示的过期时间类型
 *  使用规则:  1.默认值: expiredTomorrow, expiredAfterTomorrow
 *            2.精确度越高,级别越高:  expiredToday_hour > expiredToday
 *                                 expiredTomorrow_hour > expiredTomorrow
 *                                 expiredAfterTomorrow_hour > expiredAfterTomorrow
 *            3.设置了高级别,会过滤低级别样式,低级别样式不再显示
 *            4.高级别,低级别同时显示,只安装高级别样式显示
 *            5.expiredToday 和 expiredToday_hour都不设置,“今天过期”不显示
@objc public enum WisdomExpiredTimeType: NSInteger {
   case expiredToday=0                 //今天过期
   case expiredToday_hour=1            //今天8点过期
   case expiredTomorrow=2              //明天过期
   case expiredTomorrow_hour=3         //明天8点过期
   case expiredAfterTomorrow=4         //后天过期
   case expiredAfterTomorrow_hour=5    //后天8点过期

/**  Expiration time filter:  过期输出格式样式      [今天8点过期]   [明天过期]   [后天过期]
 *   timesText:                过期时间原始数据
 *   serverTimesText:          当前时间对比         (传nil默认与本地时间比对)
 *   type:                     输入处理的数据类型    (确认WisdomInputTimeConvertType)
 *   displayTypeList:          需要支持显示的过期时间类型数组,是WisdomExpiredTimeType类型数组
 *   expiredStr:               过期文字描述,传nill或者空,结尾默认拼接"过期"
 *   返回值:                    Bool: 是否过期     (true未过期,fales已经过期)
 public class func expiredTimeOutput(timesText: String,
                                    serverTimesText: String?,
                                    type: WisdomInputTimeConvertType,
                                    displayTypeList: [WisdomExpiredTimeType.RawValue],
                                    expiredStr: String?) ->(Bool,String) {
 @objc public class func oc_ExpiredTimeOutput(timesText: String,
                                             serverTimesText: String?,
                                             type: WisdomInputTimeConvertType,
                                             displayTypeList: [WisdomExpiredTimeType.RawValue],
                                             expiredStr: String?) ->(String){

 结果显示支持类型:1. 今天过期   今天8点过期  明天过期   明天8点过期   后天过期  后天8点过期
                2. swift 方法BOOL值表示是否过期


应用场景:聊天 历史时间提示显示

public enum WisdomInputTimeConvertType {
   case timestamp_10        //10位时间戳
   case timestamp_13        //13位时间戳           
   case input_joint        
   case input_N_Y_R_joint   

   timestamp_10        //10位时间戳
   timestamp_13        //13位时间戳     
   input_joint            //"-"拼接
   input_N_Y_R_joint      //"年,月,日"拼接

 *   timesText:            历史时间原始数据
 *   serverTimesText:      当前时间对比            (不传默认与本地时间比对)
 *   type:                 输入处理的数据类型        (WisdomInputTimeConvertType)
let timeStr =  WisdomTextOutput.historyTimeOutput(timesText: "1535557797", serverTimesText: nil, type: .timestamp)

结果显示支持类型:      2017年08月12日 21:30      (非同年)
                    09月12日 23:30            (同年)
                    昨天 20:30                (昨天)
                    上午 10:30,下午 13:30      (当天)