WhereYat 0.0.2

WhereYat 0.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Zane Shannon.

WhereYat 0.0.2


Swift class for Where Y'at IP-based geolocation.

How to Use

It's pretty easy:

WhereYat.locate { (location, error) in
    if (error == nil) {
    // location looks like this:
    // var success:Bool = false // eg. true
    // var city:String? // eg. "New Orleans"
    // var metro_code:NSNumber? // eg. "504"
    // var country:String? // eg. "United States"
    // var country_code_:String? // eg. "US"
    // var time_zone:String? // eg. "America/Chicago"
    // var longitude:NSNumber? // eg. "30.123"
    // var latitude:NSNumber? // eg. "-90.001"
    // var ip:String? // eg. ""
    // var subdivisions:[Dictionary<String, String>]? // e.g. [{name: "Louisiana"}]
    // Now that you have this information,
    // Do your job here

Where's This From?

WhereYat was originally built as a responsive Javascript tool. It's pretty nice, you should check it out.


This is MIT licensed, so whatever.


Yes, please. Taking pull requests here.