WebPay 2.0.3

WebPay 2.0.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2015

Maintained by Yohei Okada, Yohei Okada.

WebPay 2.0.3

  • By
  • yohei okada


webpay-token-ios is an iOS library for creating a WebPay token from a credit card.

Sample App Using Card.io

There is a sample app using card.io


webpay-token-ios supports iOS 7 and above.


You can either install using cocoapods(recommended) or copying files manually.

2. Copy files manually

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Add files under Webpay directory to your project

For objective-c projects

Add #import 'Webpay.h' in one of your files, and see if your target builds without error.

For swift projects

You need to create a bridging header and add #import "Webpay.h" to the header to use the library in swift code. For instruction on how to create a bridging header, please refer to Apple's documentation.


webpay-token-ios consists of 3 components.

  1. WPYPaymentViewController(view controller)
  2. WPYTokenizer(model that creates a token)
  3. WPYCardFormView(card form view)

If you want a view controller to drop in, WPYPaymentViewController is the way to go. WPYTokenizer is for developers planning to create their own view & view controller from scratch. It provides API for accessing WebPay API. WPYCardFormView offers a form with validation.

How to use


Initialization is required for using any components from this library.

// objective-c

#import "Webpay.h"

// replace test_public_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY with your WebPay publishable key
[WPYTokenizer setPublicKey:@"test_public_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"];
// swift

// replace test_public_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY with your WebPay publishable key


If you just want a viewcontroller for pushViewController:animated or presentViewController:animated:completion:, this is what you want.

// objective-c
// version 2.x
WPYPaymentViewController *paymentViewController = [WPYPaymentViewController paymentViewControllerWithPriceTag:@"¥350" callback:^(WPYPaymentViewController *viewController, WPYToken *token, NSError *error) {
  if (error)
    NSLog(@"error:%@", [error localizedDescription]);
    //post token to your server

    // when transaction is complete
    [viewController setPayButtonComplete]; // this will change the button color to green and its title to checkmark
    [viewController dismissAfterDelay: 2.0f];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES];

// version 1.x
WPYPaymentViewController *paymentViewController = [[WPYPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPriceTag:@"¥350" callback:^(WPYPaymentViewController *viewController, WPYToken *token, NSError *error) {
  if (error)
    NSLog(@"error:%@", [error localizedDescription]);
    //post token to your server

    // when transaction is complete
    [viewController setPayButtonComplete]; // this will change the button color to green and its title to checkmark
    [viewController dismissAfterDelay: 2.0f];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES];
// swift

let paymentViewController = WPYPaymentViewController(priceTag: "¥350", callback: { viewController, token, error in
  if let newError = error {
  } else {
    //post token to your server

    // when transaction is complete

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(paymentViewController, animated: true)

If you want the card form to be populated with card data, use initWithPriceTag:card:callback: instead.

WPYTokenizer (Model)

If you are creating your own view, create token using WPYTokenizer.

// objective-c

#import "Webpay.h"

// create a credit card model and populate with data
WPYCreditCard *card = [[WPYCreditCard alloc] init];
card.number = @"4242424242424242";
card.expiryYear = 2015;
card.expiryMonth = 12;
card.cvc = @"123";
card.name = @"TARO YAMADA";

// pass card instance and a callback
[WPYTokenizer createTokenFromCard:card
                  completionBlock:^(WPYToken *token, NSError *error) {
  if (error)
    NSLog(@"error:%@", [error localizedDescription]);
    NSLog(@"token:%@", token.tokenId);
// swift

// create a credit card model and populate with data
let card = WPYCreditCard()
card.number = "4242424242424242"
card.expiryYear = 2015
card.expiryMonth = WPYMonth.December
card.cvc = "123"
card.name = "TARO YAMADA"

// pass card instance and a callback
WPYTokenizer.createTokenFromCard(card, completionBlock: {token, error in
  if let newError = error {
  } else {

WPYCardFormView (View)

WPYCardFormView is a credit card form view that calls its delegate method when the form is valid. It handles padding credit card number, masking security code, and validating each field.

// objective-c

// create view
WPYCreditCard *card = [[WPYCreditCard alloc] init];
WPYCardFormView *cardForm = [[WPYCardFormView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 300) card:card];
cardForm.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview: cardForm];

// WPYCardFormDelegate methods
- (void)validFormWithCard:(WPYCreditCard *)creditCard
  // called when the form is valid.
// swift

// create view
let card = WPYCreditCard()
let form = WPYCardFormView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 320), card: card)
form.delegate = self

// WPYCardFormDelegate methods
func validFormWithCard(creditCard: WPYCreditCard!) {
  // called when the form is valid.

If you want more granular control, use subclasses of WPYAbstractCardField.

Other classes


WPYCreditCard offers various validation methods. For validating the whole card, use - (BOOL)validate:

// objective-c

NSError *cardError = nil;
if (![card validate:&cardError])
  NSLog(@"error:%@", [cardError localizedDescription]);
// swift

var cardError: NSError?
if !card.validate(&cardError) {

For validating each property, use - (BOOL)validatePROPERTY:error:

// objective-c

NSString *number = @"4242424242424242";
NSError *cardError = nil;
WPYCreditCard *card = [[WPYCreditCard alloc] init];
if (![card validateNumber:&number error:&cardError])
  NSLog(@"error:%@", [cardError localizedDescription]);
// swift

var number: AnyObject? = "4242424242424242"
var cardError: NSError?
let card = WPYCreditCard()
if !card.validateNumber(&number, error:&cardError) {

For checking brand from partial numbers

// objective-c

[WPYCreditCard brandNameFromPartialNumber:@"42"];
// swift



WPYToken holds token data returned from Webpay API.


This class defines all the errors originating from webpay-ios-token.