Contains fix enabling using of ViperMcFlurry ( solutions/ViperMcFlurry) from Swift language ("moduleInput" problem) interacting with modules written in Objective-C.
Just add this to your Podfile
pod 'ViperMcFlurrySwiftFix'
And run:
pod install
How it works
Demo application contains two viper modules Root and Test. Router of Root module opens Test module using ViperMcFlurry methods:
import ViperMcFlurry
class RootRouter: RootRouterInput {
weak var transitionHandler: RamblerViperModuleTransitionHandlerProtocol!
func showTest() {
transitionHandler.openModule!(usingFactory: TestModuleConfigurator()) { (sourceModuleTransitionHandler, destinationModuleTransitionHandler) in
let sourceViewController = sourceModuleTransitionHandler as! UIViewController
let destinationViewController = destinationModuleTransitionHandler as! UIViewController
sourceViewController.present(destinationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
}.thenChain { (moduleInput) -> RamblerViperModuleOutput? in
// This code without ViperMcFlurrySwiftFix will crash, because
// moduleInput will check only Obj-C version of property and returns nil.
// The fix checks both Obj-C and Swift properties.
(moduleInput as! TestModuleInput).configure() // FIX WORKS HERE!!!
return nil
Without fix moduleInput property will not find value inside Obj-C runtime, because Swift properties do not land there. So, first of all value is checked in normal Obj-C property, then in Swift properties using Swift reflection.