ViewStates 1.0.1

ViewStates 1.0.1

Maintained by Tanh Pham.


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ViewStates makes it easier to create a view with loading, success, no data and error states. It also has an action button, so that we can do some action such as navigate to other view, or retry an async task. The UI can be customized easily.



  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+



ViewStates is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ViewStates'


You just need to copy 2 files ViewState.swift and UIImage+Gif.swift in the ViewStates/Classes/ directory to your project. For the UIImage+Gif.swift, I took it from this repo: . The purpose of this library is to animate a GIF image for the loading state. I would like to give a thank to the authors.

How to use

Basic usage

  • Init the ViewState, and set the view you want to display the ViewState as the parentView of the ViewState
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let viewState = ViewState()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        viewState.parentView = self.view
  • Display the loading state:
viewState.showLoadingState(loadingMessage: "Loading...")
  • When an async task complete successfully, we hide the ViewState:
  • When an async task complete with an error, we can show the error state:
self.viewState.showErrorState("Oops! Something went wrong...")
  • When there is nothing to display after geting from async task, we can display the NoData state:
self.viewState.showNoDataState("There is nothing to display")


  • Display NoData state with an image, and an action button:
self.viewState.showNoDataState("There is nothing to display", noDataImage: UIImage(named: "no_data",
actionButtonTitle: "CREATE ONE", actionHandler: {
    // The code to open the view to create one
  • Dispay error state with an image and a retry button:
self.viewState.showErrorState("Oops! Something went wrong...", errorImage: UIImage(named: "error", 
actionButtonTitle: "RETRY", actionHandler: {


You can set the custom theme for the ViewState once for all views in the app. You can put it in AppDelegate or somewhere you want.

let theme = ViewStateTheming()
theme.messageTextColor = .red
theme.actionButtonBackgroundColor = .green
theme.actionButtonTitleColor = .white

These are all the properties that we can change:

class ViewStateTheming {
    // Background color of the ViewState view
    var backgroundColor = UIColor.white

    // The message label style
    var messageTextColor = UIColor.darkText
    var messageTextAlignment =
    var messageTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)

    // The action button style
    var actionButtonBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
    var actionButtonTitleColor =
    var actionButtonFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15)
    var actionButtonInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 20, bottom: 5, right: 20)
    var actionButtonCornerRadius: CGFloat = 5

    // If there is no GIF image, the iOS UIActivityIndicatorView will be used
    var defaultLoadingSpinnerColor = UIColor.gray

    // Default image and loading text. This can be set when changing state for a special view
    var defaultLoadingMessage = ""
    var defaultLoadingImageName: String?
    var defaultErrorImage: UIImage?
    var defaultNoDataImage: UIImage?


Tanh Pham ([email protected])


ViewStates is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.