Ver-ID-UI 2.0.0-beta.04

Ver-ID-UI 2.0.0-beta.04

Maintained by David Thielke, Jakub Dolejs.

Depends on:
Ver-ID-Core< 3.0, >= 2.0.0-beta.04
RxSwift~> 5
RxCocoa~> 5

Ver-ID-UI 2.0.0-beta.04

  • By
  • Jakub Dolejs


Ver-ID UI for iOS


Minimum iOS version is 10.3.

To build this project and to run the sample app you will need a Apple Mac computer with these applications:


  1. Open Terminal and enter the following commands:

    git clone
    cd Ver-ID-UI-iOS
    pod install
    open VerIDUI.xcworkspace
  2. The VerIDUI.xcworkspace should now be open in Xcode.

  3. You can now build and run the Ver-ID Sample target on your iOS device.

Adding Ver-ID to your own project

  1. Register your app. You will need your app's bundle identifier.

  2. Registering your app will generate an evaluation licence for your app. The licence is valid for 30 days. If you need a production licence please contact Applied Recognition.

  3. When you finish the registration you'll receive a file called Ver-ID identity.p12 and a password. Copy the password to a secure location and add the Ver-ID identity.p12 file in your app:

    • Open your project in Xcode.
    • From the top menu select File/Add files to “[your project name]”... or press ⌥⌘A and browse to select the downloaded Ver-ID identity.p12 file.
    • Reveal the options by clicking the Options button on the bottom left of the dialog.
    • Tick Copy items if needed under Destination.
    • Under Added to targets select your app target.
  4. Ver-ID will need the password you received at registration to construct an instance of VerIDSDKIdentity.

    • You can either specify the password when you create an instance of VerIDFactory:

      let identity = try VerIDIdentity(password: "your password goes here")
    • Or you can add the password in your app's Info.plist:

      <string>your password goes here</string>

      and construct the identity without the password parameter:

      let identity = try VerIDIdentity()        
  5. Pass the instance of VerIDIdentity to the VerIDFactory constructor:

    let veridFactory = VerIDFactory(identity: identity)
  6. If your project is using CocoaPods for dependency management, open the project's Podfile. Otherwise make sure CocoaPods is installed and in your project's folder create a file named Podfile (without an extension).

  7. Let's assume your project is called MyProject and it has an app target called MyApp. Open the Podfile in a text editor and enter the following:

    project 'MyProject.xcodeproj'
    workspace 'MyProject.xcworkspace'
    platform :ios, '10.3'
    target 'MyApp' do
        pod 'Ver-ID-UI'
        # The following script sets the BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION build setting
        # to YES and removes the setting from the pod dependencies. Without it the
        # project will compile but it will fail to run. 
        post_install do |installer|
            installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
                config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
            installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
                target.build_configurations.each do |config|
                    config.build_settings.delete 'BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'

    Please ensure that you include the post_install script. Your app will crash without it.

  8. Save the Podfile. Open Terminal and navigate to your project's folder. Then enter:

    pod install
  9. You can now open MyProject.xcworkspace in Xcode and Ver-ID will be available to use in your app MyApp.

Running Ver-ID sessions

  1. Before running a Ver-ID UI session you will need to import the VerIDCore framework and create an instance of VerID.
  2. Have your class implement the VerIDFactoryDelegate protocol. You will receive a callback when the VerID instance is created or when the creation fails.
  3. In the class that runs the Ver-ID session import VerIDUI.
  4. Pass the VerID instance to the VerIDSession constructor along with the session settings.


import UIKit
import VerIDCore
import VerIDUI

class MyViewController: UIViewController, VerIDFactoryDelegate, VerIDSessionDelegate {
    func runLivenessDetection() {
        guard let identity = try? VerIDSDKIdentity() else {
            // Failed to create SDK identity
        // You may want to display an activity indicator as the instance creation may take up to a few seconds
        let factory = VerIDFactory(identity: identity)
        // Set your class as the factory's delegate
        // The delegate methods will be called when the session is created or if the creation fails
        factory.delegate = self
        // Create an instance of Ver-ID
    // MARK: - Ver-ID factory delegate
    func veridFactory(_ factory: VerIDFactory, didCreateVerID instance: VerID) {
        // Ver-ID instance was created
        // Create liveness detection settings
        let settings = LivenessDetectionSessionSettings()
        // Create a Ver-ID UI session
        let session = VerIDSession(environment: instance, settings: settings)
        // Set your class as a delegate of the session to receive the session outcome
        session.delegate = self
        // Start the session
    func veridFactory(_ factory: VerIDFactory, didFailWithError error: Error) {
        NSLog("Failed to create Ver-ID instance: %@", error.localizedDescription)
    // MARK: - Session delegate
    func didFinishSession(_ session: VerIDSession, withResult result: VerIDSessionResult) {
        // Session finished successfully
    // MARK: Optional session delegate methods
    func didCancelSession(_ session: VerIDSession) {
        // Session was canceled
    func shouldDisplayResult(_ result: VerIDSessionResult, ofSession session: VerIDSession) -> Bool {
        // Return `true` to display the result of the session
        return true
    func shouldSpeakPromptsInSession(_ session: VerIDSession) -> Bool {
        // Return `true` to speak prompts in the session
        return true
    func shouldRecordVideoOfSession(_ session: VerIDSession) -> Bool {
        // Return `true` to record a video of the session
        return true
    func cameraPositionForSession(_ session: VerIDSession) -> AVCaptureDevice.Position {
        // Return `AVCaptureDevice.Position.back` to use the back camera instead of the front (selfie) camera
        return .back

API Reference Documentation