VandelayQr 0.9.2

VandelayQr 0.9.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2020
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Daniel Saidi.

Depends on:
Vandelay~> 0.9.1
QRCodeReader.swift~> 10.1.0

VandelayQr logo

Version Platform Swift 5.1 License Twitter: @danielsaidi


VandelayQr adds QR code support to Vandelay. It adds a QrCodeImporter that can import strings and data by scanning QR codes. It also provides tools for creating QR code images from any URL.


Swift Package Manager

The easiest way to add VandelayQr to your project is to use Swift Package Manager:


pod "VandelayQr"


github "danielsaidi/VandelayQr"

Exporting data

VandelayQR has no data exporters, but you can use the QrCodeGenerator protocol and StandardQrCodeGenerator implementation to create QR code images with urls that contain importable data.

Importing data

If you add VandelayQr, you get access to the following importer:

  • QrCodeImporter - imports strings and data by scanning QR codes

To use this importer, you must add NSCameraUsageDescription to Info.plist. Otherwise, the app will crash. You must also configure NSAppTransportSecurity in Info.plist to make sure that the app can fetch the scanned url.

The demo app has NSAllowsArbitraryLoads set to true. For real world apps, this is considered a bad practice.

Demo App

This repo contains a demo app that lets you import data by scanning a QR code. To run the demo app, open and run the VandelayQr.xcodeproj project.

Contact me

I hope you like this library. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


Vandelay is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.