VLRTextField 0.0.5

VLRTextField 0.0.5

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2015

Maintained by Marian Paul, Sébastien HOUZÉ, Lucas Ortis.

Depends on:
PPHelpMe~> 1.0.2
VLRJVFloatLabeledTextField~> 1.0.3

  • By
  • Rezzza

VeryLastRoom iOS textField

alt tag alt tag


This class intention is to provide an extension to the power of two great libraries on UITextField:

  • JVFloatLabeledTextField which purpose is to nicely display the place holder on top on the textfield when inserting text
  • HTAutocompleteTextField which purpose is to provide autocompletion (for example: emails, company names, ...)

VLRTextfield adds a new layer: validation (for example, it is great on forms). You can then specify several check behaviors like:

  • check content with regex (@see regex) AND/OR
  • fill optional or not (@see fillRequired) AND/OR
  • minimum number of characters to enter (for example: 8 characters for password) (@see minimumNumberOfCharacters) AND/OR
  • custom validation block (@see validateBlock).

All of these tests can be run on demand or while editing.


Classic text field

VLRTextField *name          = [VLRTextField myAppCustomizedTextFieldWithPlaceholder:@"Enter your first name"];
name.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords;
name.formKeyPath            = @"name";
name.messageRequired        = @"Your first name is required";

Regex text field

static NSString *REGULAR_EXPRESSION_EMAIL = @"[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}";

VLRTextField *email          = [VLRTextField myAppCustomizedTextFieldWithPlaceholder:@"Enter an email to reach you"];
email.keyboardType           = UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress;
email.regex                  = REGULAR_EXPRESSION_EMAIL;
email.messageInvalid         = @"Your email address is invalid";
email.messageRequired        = @"Please enter an email adress";
email.formKeyPath            = @"email_address";
email.autocompleteDataSource = [VLRAutoCompleteManager sharedManager];
email.autocompleteType       = VLRAutocompleteTypeEmail;

Notice VLRAutoCompleteManager. See HTAutocompleteTextField.

Minimum characters text field

VLRTextField *password             = [VLRTextField myAppCustomizedTextFieldWithPlaceholder:@"Enter a password"];
password.minimumNumberOfCharacters = 8;
password.messageRequired           = @"The password should be 8 characters long";
password.formKeyPath               = @"password_1";
password.secureTextEntry           = YES;

Custom validation block text field

We use the block to check if the two passwords are the same:

VLRTextField *passwordConfirmation             = [VLRTextField formTextFieldWithFrame:CGRectMake(kXOffset, kYOffset + CGRectGetMaxY(password.frame), width, kTextFieldHeight) placeholder:@"Re enter your password"];
passwordConfirmation.messageInvalid            = @"The two passwords should match";
passwordConfirmation.messageRequired           = @"Please re enter your password";
passwordConfirmation.minimumNumberOfCharacters = password.minimumNumberOfCharacters;
passwordConfirmation.formKeyPath               = @"password_2";
passwordConfirmation.secureTextEntry           = YES;
passwordConfirmation.validateBlock             = ^BOOL(VLRTextField *textField) {
    return [[password text] isEqualToString:textField.text];

Not required text field

VLRTextField *company          = [VLRTextField formTextFieldWithFrame:CGRectMake(kXOffset, kYOffset + CGRectGetMaxY(passwordConfirmation.frame), width, kTextFieldHeight) placeholder:@"Enter the company you work for"];
company.fillRequired           = NO;
company.formKeyPath            = @"company_name";
company.autocompleteDataSource = [VLRAutoCompleteManager sharedManager];
company.autocompleteType       = VLRAutoCompleteCompany;
company.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences;
company.returnKeyType          = UIReturnKeyDone;

Notice VLRAutoCompleteManager. See HTAutocompleteTextField.

The one more thing

Along with validating the content the user enters, you can also use VLRFormService to:

  • handle automatic next if returnKeyType is equal to UIReturnKeyNext
  • check form and show errors (or not)
  • extract a JSON as NSDictionary from registered textFields.

Do not hesitate to subclass VLRFormService to add new behaviors fitting your need.

How to use VLRFormService

self.registerTextFieldManager          = [VLRFormService new];

// The order does matter (for next behavior)
[self.registerTextFieldManager addTextField:name];
[self.registerTextFieldManager addTextField:email];
[self.registerTextFieldManager addTextField:password];
[self.registerTextFieldManager addTextField:passwordConfirmation];
[self.registerTextFieldManager addTextField:company];

Check form

Check and display errors:

- (void) send {
    BOOL formValid = [self.registerTextFieldManager checkForm]; // Will check and display errors
    if (formValid) {
        [self.registerTextFieldManager.activeField resignFirstResponder];
        [self safelySend];

Check without displaying errors

BOOL formValid = [self.registerTextFieldManager checkFormAndShowErrors:NO];

Extract JSON

This will use formKeyPath property on VLRTextField

NSDictionary *json = [self.registerTextFieldManager extractFieldsAsJson];