This repository contains useful extensions on Foundation, UIKit and SwiftUI
Combination of @dynamicMemberLookup
with KeyPath
es and callAsFunction
(or subscripts) allows to change objects with one expression
let label = UILabel().chain
Date extensions
struct provides very little functionality, any operations with dates must be implemented through Calendar
in very unintuitive, complex and difficult to remember ways.
To simplify operations with dates, this library provides a simple and intuitive syntax.
Some examples
let afterTomorrow: Date = .today + 2.days
//or .today + .days(2)
//or Date.today.adding(2 * .day)
let difference = date2 - date1
let daysBetweenDates = difference.days
//or date2.interval(of: .day, from: date1)
let weeksBetweenDates = difference.weeks
let hours = Date().component(.hour)
//or Date().hour()
let someDate = Date(year: 1994, month: 10, day: 4)
let startOfMonth = Date().start(of: .month)
let lastMonth = Date().end(of: .year)
let lastDay = Date().end(of: .year, accuracy: .day)
let nextYear = Date().next(.year)
let nextLeapYear = Date().nearest([.month: 2, .day: 29], in: .future)?.start(of: .year)
let monthLenght = Date().count(of: .day, in: .month)
for month in (date1...date2).each(.month) {...}
let weekdayName = Date().name(of: .weekday)
if let date = Date(from: dateString, format: "dd.MM.yyyy") {...}
let dateString = Date().string("dd.MM.yyyy")
let iso860String = Date().iso860
let defaultDateString = Date().string(date: .long, time: .short)
let relativeDateString = Date().string("dd.MM.yyyy",
relative: [
.day(0): "Today, HH:mm",
.day(-1): "Yesterday",
.week(0): "EEEE",
.year(0): "dd.MM"
Any function contains additional parameters with default values such as:
calendar: Calendar = .default
locale: Locale = .default
timezone: TimeZone = .default
where Calendar.default
, Locale.default
and TimeZone.default
- static variables that you can change.
So you can use custom Calendar
in each function
let dayOfMonth = Date().position(of: .day, in: .month, calendar: customCalendar)
Or you can set your own default
value for all functions
Calendar.default = customCalendar
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'VD'
and run pod update
from the podfile directory first.
Create a Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "SomeProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dankinsoid/VDKit.git", from: "1.109.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "SomeProject", dependencies: ["VDKit"])
$ swift build
dankinsoid, [email protected]
VDAnimation is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.