VBRProceduralStrings 1.0.0

VBRProceduralStrings 1.0.0

Maintained by Viktor Braun.


UIImageView extension for procedural generation of beautiful svg shapes

By v-braun - viktor-braun.de.

Build Status




VBRProceduralStrings is available on CocoaPods. Just add the following to your project Podfile:

pod 'VBRProceduralStrings'

Or from GitHub:

pod 'VBRProceduralStrings', :git => 'https://github.com/v-braun/VBRProceduralStrings.git'

VBRProceduralStrings use Macaw to parse the generated SVG content and render it on an CALayer. You should add it also to your Podfile


  1. Download and drop VBRProceduralStrings.swift in your project.
  2. Add Macaw to your project
  3. Congratulations!


Create an UIView

    let settings = ProcStringsSettings()
    // _svgView is a placeholder that was setup on the main view via interfacebuilder
    // see the example project for that
    // you should do that in viewDidAppear that guarantee that width and hight has correct values
    settings.width = Float(_svgView.bounds.width) 
    settings.height = Float(_svgView.bounds.height)
    settings.lines = 100
    settings.points = 8
    // horizontal gradients
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 0, color: "#03a9f4")) 
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 70, color: "#e91e63"))
    let subView = ProceduralStringGenerator.generateSVGUIView(settings: settings)

Create an UIImage

    let settings = ProcStringsSettings()
    settings.width = 420 
    settings.height = 240
    settings.lines = 100
    settings.points = 8
    // horizontal gradients
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 0, color: "#03a9f4")) 
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 70, color: "#e91e63"))
    let image = ProceduralStringGenerator.generateSVGImage(settings: settings)

Create a SVG String

    let settings = ProcStringsSettings()
    settings.width = 420 
    settings.height = 240
    settings.lines = 100
    settings.points = 8
    // horizontal gradients
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 0, color: "#03a9f4")) 
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 70, color: "#e91e63"))
    let svgString = ProceduralStringGenerator.generateSVGString(settings: settings)

Use UIImageView extension

    let settings = ProcStringsSettings()
    settings.width = 420 
    settings.height = 240
    settings.lines = 100
    settings.points = 8
    // horizontal gradients
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 0, color: "#03a9f4")) 
    settings.gradients.append(GradientStep(offset: 70, color: "#e91e63"))
    myUIImageView.generate(settings: settings)




Make sure to read these guides before getting started:


VBRProceduralStrings is available under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.