Utensils 0.7.1

Utensils 0.7.1

Maintained by Ryan Baumbach.

Utensils 0.7.1

  • By
  • Ryan Baumbach

Utensils Bitrise Cocoapod Version SPM Compatible Cocoapod Platform License

A set of useful iOS tools.

Adding Utensils to your project


CocoaPods is the recommended way to add Utensils to your project.

  1. Add Utensils to your Podfile pod 'Utensils'.
  2. Install the pod(s) by running pod install.
  3. Add Utensils to your files with import Utensils.

Swift Package manager

Swift Package Manager can be used to add Utensils the to your project:

  1. Add .package(url: "https://github.com/rbaumbach/Utensils", from: "0.1.0")
  2. Follow intructions to add the Utensils package to your project.

Clone from Github

  1. Clone repository from github and copy files directly, or add it as a git submodule.
  2. Add all files from Source directory to your project.

What tools?

  • A Debouncer:
let debouncer = Debouncer()

debouncer.mainDebounce(seconds: 0.1) {
  • A Directory:
let directory = Directory(.temp(additionalPath: "filez/"))
  • A persistence tool called Trunk:
let trunk = Trunk()

trunk.save(data: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

let arrayOfInts: [Int]? = trunk.load()
  • An AppLaunchViewController

Using the default launch view:

let appLaunchViewController = AppLaunchViewController { print("I'm launching!") }

Using a custom user supplied view:

let appLaunchViewController = AppLaunchViewController { thingy.doSomethingLengthyBeforeAppLaunches() }
appLaunchViewController.customLoadingView = fancyBrandedLoadingView

Note: The custom view will be anchored to all 4 corners of view controller

  • A generic Validator
let email = Email(string: "[email protected]")

let isValidEmail = AnyValidator<Email>().isValid(email)

And more to come...


All tools will have accompanying protocols and fakes for those of you that enjoy testing your software. This allows you to program your application to this "interface" and then you can stub it out with your own fake implementation for unit tests.


This project has been setup to use fastlane to run the specs.

First, bundle required gems, install Cocoapods. Next, inside the root project directory run:

$ bundle
$ bundle exec pod install

And then use fastlane to run all the specs on the command line:

$ bundle exec fastlane specs

Suggestions, requests, and feedback

Thanks for checking out Utensils. Any feedback, suggestions and feedback can be can be sent to: [email protected], or opened as a github issue.