URBNDataSource 2.0.0

URBNDataSource 2.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0

Maintained by Jason Grandelli, Nick DiStefano, Ryan Garchinsky.

  • By
  • urbn



An abstraction layer for manipulating UITableView and UICollectionView with a single api.


The concept of URBNDataSource is to unify the methods of registering / configuring UITableView and UICollectionView. Along with that we added in block-based configuration for your cells to make you’re cell setup nice and neat.


  • URBNDataSourceAdapter: This is an abstract class. This is for wrapping up all of the base logic around registering cells, and storing configuration blocks. You cannot use this class directly.

  • URBNArrayDataSourceAdapter: This is a subclass of URBNDataSource that’s built around an array (or array of array) of items. This dataSource will fit for most all of the basic needs.

  • URBNAccordionDataSourceAdapter: This is a subclass of URBNArrayDataSource that’s built around an array of arrays of items and an array of sections. This adds support for accordion style table views and collection views.

Registering Cells

We have a couple of methods for registering cells.

-registerCellClass: withIdentifier: withConfigurationBlock:

This is the main cell registration call. You give the cell class you want to use, the identifier you want to use with that cell, and a configuration block that will get called whenever cellForItem or cellForRow gets called.

** Note that this will automatically handle nibs if your identifier is the name of your nib.

-registerCellClass: withConfigurationBlock:

This is just a convenience method in the case that you do not have multiple cells of the same class with differing identifiers.

If you have a more complex cell layout, then you may find yourself needing to specify the cell identifier yourself. We’ve recognized this case, and have a block-based way to handle this.

NSArray *items = @[@"string",@10, @"STRING 2"];
URBNArrayDataSourceAdapter *adapter = [[URBNArrayDataSourceAdapter alloc] initWithItems:items]];
// Here you can pass back the cellIdentifier based off of the indexPath
[adapter setCellIdentifierBlock:^NSString *(id item, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
    if (indexPath.row == 0) {
        return @"StringIdentifier";
    } else if (indexPath.row == 1) {
        return @"NumberIdentifier";
    } else {
        return @"UnknownCellIdentifier";

Headers and Footers

If you need more than just cells, we’ve got support for headers and footers as well.

- registerSupplementaryViewClass:ofKind:withConfigurationBlock:

This can be used with UICollectionView or UITableView. This is essentially the same thing as the cell registration except it manages headers and footers. We also have a version with passing the identifier you want to use.

- registerSupplementaryViewClass:ofKind:withIdentifier:withConfigurationBlock:

This follows the same guidelines as the registerCellClass method. Which means we have the same multiple view id block handler



All the examples can be found in our example project. We’ve got examples of creating everything in IB as well as creating everything in code.


URBNDataSource has been tested on iOS 7 and up. Though it may work on lower deployment targets. ARC is required.


URBNDataSource is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.