TuyaSmartHomeKit 3.34.5

TuyaSmartHomeKit 3.34.5

Maintained by xcc, gaosen, huangkai, iosdev, DasAuto, tuya_developer, taojingGino.

Depends on:
TuyaSmartUtil~> 3.32.0
TuyaSmartNetworkKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartBaseKit~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartDeviceCoreKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartShareKit~> 1.3.0
TuyaSmartDeviceKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartSceneCoreKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartSceneKit~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartTimerKit~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartMessageKit~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartFeedbackKit~> 3.33.0
TYMbedtls~> 2.25.0
TuyaSmartMbedTLS~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartQUIC~> 1.2.0
TuyaSmartMQTTChannelKit~> 3.32.0
TuyaSmartSocketChannelKit~> 3.33.0
TuyaSmartActivatorCoreKit~> 3.33.0
TYBluetooth~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartBLECoreKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartBLEKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartBLEMeshKit~> 3.34.0
TuyaSmartActivatorKit~> 3.32.0
TuyaDefaultPanelUIKit~> 0.1.0
TuyaSmartDefaultPanelKit~> 2.0.0

  • By
  • Tuya

Tuya Smart iOS SDK

中文版 | English

Features Overview

Tuya Smart APP SDK provides the interface package for the communication with hardware and Tuya Cloud to accelerate the application development process, including the following features:

  • Hardware functions (network configuration, control, status reporting, regular tasks, groups, firmware upgrades, sharing)
  • Account system (phone number, email registration, login, password reset and other general account functions)
  • Tuya Cloud HTTP API interface package

Rapid Integration

Using CocoaPods integration (version 8.0 or above is supported)

Add the following content in file Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'your_target_name' do

      pod "TuyaSmartHomeKit"


Execute command pod update in the project's root directory to begin integration.

For the instructions of CocoaPods, please refer to: CocoaPods Guides

Initializing SDK

Add the following to the project file PrefixHeader.pch

#import <TuyaSmartHomeKit/TuyaSmartKit.h>

Open file AppDelegate.m,and use the App ID and App Secret obtained from the development platform in the [AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]method to initialize SDK:

[[TuyaSmartSDK sharedInstance] startWithAppKey:<#your_app_key#> secretKey:<#your_secret_key#>];

Now all the preparatory work has been completed. You can set out to develop your application.


Refer to details: Tuya Smart Doc - iOS SDK
