Try allows you to handle Objective-C exceptions using Swift error handling. There are a lot of APIs in Objective-C that can throw exceptions that are simply unhandable in Swift. For example, NSKeyedUnarchiver can throw an exception if you attempt to coerce a value to an incompatible type.
In the below example, we'll decode an int
that was written by an NSKeyedArchiver
. If this data actually encoded a float
the decodeIntForKey(_:)
method would normally throw an exception, but with Try it throws a Swift error, and we can handle it gracefully. The method will handle the error in a more Swift-friendly way by returning nil
func decodeCountFromData(data: Data) -> Int? {
let archiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(forReadingWith: data)
defer { archiver.finishDecoding() }
do {
try trap {
return archiver.decodeInteger(forKey: "count")
} catch let error as NSError {
if let exception = error.userInfo[tryExceptionErrorKey] as? NSException {
dlog("ERROR: Exception decoding count: \(exception)")
} else {
dlog("ERROR: Unknown decoding error: \(error)")
return nil
The concept & original implementation was done by Jacob Berkman.