Treasure 0.2.3

Treasure 0.2.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Kevin Weber.

Treasure 0.2.3

  • By
  • kfweber


Treasure is a small set of tools on top of Lyft's Mapper library to map objects according to the JSON API specification. If you're not using the JSON API specification, then only using Mapper should be sufficient.


With CocoaPods


pod "Treasure"


Treasure hinges on Mapper. If you're not familiar with it, then go read up on it first.

Objects must conform to the Resource protocol, which conforms to Mapper's Mappable protocol.

Key provides convenient constants and functions to construct String keys for Mapper.

Relationships are represented by either a ToOneRelationship or a ToManyRelationship.

Relationships can be used to map included resources, which are placed into a shared data pool as received by Treasure.

Included resources are not cached, so the data pool will only exist for the current lifecycle.

If you set Treasure.strictValidationOnInitialization to true, incoming resources will be validated, and the initializer will return nil if invalid. Validation errors will be thrown as a DocumentValidationError and an error message printed to console. If false, errors will still be thrown but the resource map may still succeed. Treasure.strictValidationOnInitialization is by default set to false.

import Treasure

struct Project: Resource {
    let id: String
    let type: String
    let title: String
    let manager: User?

    init(map: TreasureMapper) throws {
        id = try map.from(
        type = try map.from(Key.type)
        title = try map.from(Key.attributes("title"))
        let managerRelationship: ToOneRelationship? = try? map.from(Key.relationships("users"))
        manager = try? map.from(managerRelationship)

You can then map to your object by instantiating a new Treasure with your received JSON.

if let json = json as? [String: Any] {
    let projects: [Project]? = Treasure(json: json)?.map()

Other top-level JSON API objects can be accessed through your Treasure instance.

if let json = json as? [String: Any] {

    let treasure = Treasure(json: json)
    let projects: [Project]? = treasure?.map()

    guard projects != nil else {

If you'd like to map resources without adding data to the pool, you can use the static version of the map function instead. This is just a convenience wrapper that removes the provided json from the chest before returning the resource. Using this function will not let you access other top-level JSON API objects, as it does not return a Treasure object.

if let json = json as? [String: Any] {
    let projects: [Project]? = json)

You can build JSON API resources for update or creation via the jsonForResourceUpdateWith and jsonForResourceWith static functions.

These functions validate the built resource and will assert(false) if invalid. If you use the below process to create your JSON, the built resource should be valid.

let toOneRelationship = ToOneRelationship.jsonWith(key: "users", data: RelationshipData(type: "users", id: "4"))

let newProject = Treasure.jsonForResourceWith(type: "projects", attributes: ["title": "Test Project"], relationship: toOneRelationship)

The above call will build the following resource, which you can POST to your backend service for creation.

"data": {
    "type": "projects",
    "attributes": {
        "title": "Test Project"
    "relationships": {
        "users": {
            "data": {
                "type": "users",
                "id": "4"

If you would like to persist the data pool, you can retrieve it as Data by using Treasure.chestData(), and store it back using Data)


Treasure is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Lyft's Mapper is available under the Apache 2.0 License